Do you think the new video game Dante’s Inferno would be acceptable to be played by a Christian?

Question by .•°?Rae Rae?.•.™: Do you think the new video game Dante’s Inferno would be acceptable to be played by a Christian?
Would the new Dante’s Inferno video game go against any of christianity beliefs? Would just watching demos out of curiosity and not playing the game be considered still wrong in any way?

Best answer:

Answer by stephen
Well, it would be okay to play it, but if you adore it more than God and play it other than reading ur Bible and going to church then it would be a big problem.

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Has anyone else ever played the Christian game Dragonraid? (like Dungeons and Dragons)?

Dragonraid was a Christian version of the old Dungeons & Dragons board game complete with multi-sided, multi-colored dice and detailed handbooks. It came out in the mid 1980s sometime. I played it for a few months back in 1987 or 1988 but have not seen it since. If anyone is familiar with this game, I would be interested in hearing what you thought of it.