Yaaaay!!!! Christian violence in the news!! Christians – what is your take?

First story:


Prosecutors say that a Christian cult leader ordered her followers to starve a 1yo boy to death, because he failed to say “Amen” before eating. When he died, they prayed for his resurrection – and when he failed to come back to life, the leader blamed the child’s mother. Saddest part – the mother is so deluded that she has agreed to testify against the cult leader, but on one condition – if her son actually resurrects, her testimony is null and void… I guess it is safe to assume she will be testifying…

Second article:


Evangelical Christians attack VooDoo practitioners in Haiti. According to the article, all kinds of Christian missionaries are flocking to Haiti in hopes of salvaging some souls. I thought this comment reveals a particularly insidious plan on behalf of the Christians going down there:

“There’s absolutely a heightened spiritual conflict between Christianity and Voodoo since the quake,” said Pastor Frank Amedia of the Miami-based Touch Heaven Ministries who has been distributing food in Haiti and proselytizing.

“We would give food to the needy in the short term but if they refused to give up Voodoo, I’m not sure we would continue to support them in the long term because we wouldn’t want to perpetuate that practice. We equate it with witchcraft, which is contrary to the Gospel.”

Give em food in the short term – but force them to give up their beliefs if they want any further aid. That is freaking SHAMEFUL.

I wonder how that Pastor would feel if Doctors Without Borders refused to give any medical care to a Christian until they denounced their faith….
No Chance – do you mean THIS story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100224/ap_on_re_us/us_texas_church_fires;_ylt=AnSA116SdEF.KUVOZtni2dzs.6F4;_ylu=X3oDMTNhcWdkcGNxBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMjI0L3VzX3RleGFzX2NodXJjaF9maXJlcwRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzcEcG9zAzcEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yaWVzBHNsawNyZXBvcnRjaHVyY2g-

Or did you learn of the burnings via psychic visions??

To the rest of you – good call on the No True Scotsman fallacy being thrown around…