Religion Lack Science Is Just Like The Body Without Soul

What a piece of work is man!

How noble in reason!

In action how like an angel!

In apprehension, how like a god!

The beauty of the world!

The paragon of animals!

If we believe in Shakespeare’s these lines, and are real at present situation, then there could be no reason to write this article. However, for today’s world, where even there is no reason to fight, but still they quarrel, this is must for them.

When the word “Religion” slaps the eardrum, most of the peoples think of some traditions, odd styles, myths and something called the “restrictions”. On next step, “Science” is the world of discoveries, researches, amazing facts and knowledgeable findings & thoughts. There are also some peoples who bold the science, and restrict to the religions. Some youngsters even evade their grandparents as they think the religion as a fable which is just for old peoples regarding big books (epics).

If we consider the religion as the whole & truth, then we may define the science as, “the right path in search of the truth “(i.e., religion).

It was a diamond achievement for the science to discover an “Atom” and also when they discovered 36,450 micro-organisms in a single drop of water. Science also proved the fact that “Trees are living beings”, Which though do not have the red blood like us, still called “immovable living beings”, and have their own unique systems just like us. Science also attends “health & diet” relationship and consults to daylight meal. Scientific views on night meal (dinner) says that “ultraviolet” (UV) and infrared (IR) radiations which are emitted during day time are more physiochemically active (research by W. Writer in 1801) and is the reason for the trees to prepare their food only during day time and ever human beings are more active during day time. This is also the reason for none or less production of micro-organisms; even insects do not come out in day light, While they are free to move anywhere at night. That’s why night eating may affect our health & body system besides killing uncountable micro-organisms. UV and IR rays get inactive before & after 48 min. of sunset & sunrise respectively. After reading such on science achievements one may feel haughty but here I flashed same topics with religious views.

Jain epics say that there are uncountable micro-organisms in a single drop of water, and they recommend for purification of water with different methods.

Epics also focus on atom, and in more & more depth.

Trees are living beings were though discovered by science, still it was already written in the epics, and called single sensed. (Ekendriya)

Religion much more talks about day meals, and has given extraordinary and supreme views on so.

On conclusion, there is much more written in epics, and science is trying to reach it so that peoples will ultimately believe the religion.

After reading this no one should feel arrogant of their religion, as science is the only way to lighten it. Indirectly, only the science is helping to prove the right existence of religions. Moreover religion & science give equal values for meditation, non-violence & peace. So why there is always quarrel between science & religion.

We usually put debates on “science or religion-which is great?” which may result in the diversion of people’s minds from either one depending upon winners.

Instead of this topic, it is better to put “Brotherhood between science & religious” how to reach religion through science. kinds of topics so that it would put our step forward in search of the truth.

If you think yourself as responsible person of either science or religion, then show some respect for it, by helping science research & discoveries, so that we world reach the victory of these two cousins which will indirectly result in peace of the universe.

(“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” -Albert Einstein)

Sachin Ramesh Chatur
Clinical Research

The autor for this article is a science lover.and respects all the religions. since childhood he has written many articles specially for ahimsa(non violence),peace,unity & affection towards science.He is so kind hearted.

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Share this video and please watch part 2!………Note: If you like this video, an updated version (without TTS) can be found on my chanel (The Second Coming). Thank you!! Man’s Flaw states the case that religion is a creation of MAN and NOT God. If you AGREE with the message in Man’s Flaw and believe that the world would be a much better place if people didn’t follow self-serving, devisive, simplistic, cultural traditions then PLEASE share this link on FACEBOOK, TWITTER ETC as much as possible (also part 2). Thank you!! I am undecided as to whether there is a God or not, however it is painfully clear that all religions are simply the manifestation of humanities weakness, flaws and fears. I would be happy for religious people to believe whatever helps them to get through their days, however religion, since its inception has made detrimental encroachments on all avenues of life. It is beyond me how people can still believe in it (or more accurately, want to believe in it). Topics Covered in “Man’s Flaw” part 1 and 2: Relgion, God, anger, hate, racism, fear, greed, doubt, execution, peace, war, death, september 11th, 9/11, the Crusades, killing, logic, faith, belief, radical,fundamentalism, suicide bombing, evolution, the big bang, hell, heaven, reward, torture, the bible, jesus, the koran, the quran, torah, prayer, natural disaster, atheism, theism, deism, deist, God’s Flaw exorcism, barainwashing, children, morality, iraq war, indoctrination, priests, kin psychology
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God, Soul and World – What Is Hinduism? Pilot

This pilot episode of our new educational video series is based on Chapter Three of the book “What Is Hinduism?” by the editors of Hinduism Today magazine and is inspired by the teachings of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. It was produced by SaaReeGaa Films in New Delhi. Each of the 46 chapters plus the introduction of “What Is Hinduism?” will give the source material for a half-hour video episode to be crafted and released, roughly one every three months, in the years ahead. These educational videos are provided by the editors of Hinduism Today for free as a public service to everyone interested in learning or teaching about the Hindu faith.