Strasbourg Cathedral, France [HD]

Strasbourg Cathedral is a large cathedral, widely known as one of the most beautiful gothic cathedrals in whole Europe. For more info on Strasbourg Cathedral, France, visit: “..The site of the current Strasbourg Cathedral has for a long time been the location for religious buildings. At first, a Roman temple, dating back to the Roman occupation, was built on this site. Later in the 7th century, the bishop of Strasbourg had a cathedral, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, built on the site.” For more great video and audio guides from the world’s most interesting places, check out has three purposes. The first is to be a source of inspiration for your next trip or simply to dream yourself away. Once you have chosen where to go, serves as an aid in planning your journey and deciding what to see. Last but not least, our Audioguides are meant to accompany you on your trip to provide valuable information once you are on-site at your destination. All this provided to you without any cost at all – Enjoy!
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Hos geldiniz means welcome and is probably the most frequently used phrase in the Turkish language. Turkey is truly the land of welcomes.Turkish people are, by nature, very open, warm, friendly, honest and welcoming. Indeed many people say that Turks are very similar in nature to Irish and they certainly share our sense of humour and our ability to enjoy a joke – even at our own expense. Turkey is a vast country stretching from the Black Sea in the north to the Mediterranean in the south and from the barren east to the sparkling blue waters of the Aegean Sea in the west. It is here on the Aegean coast that the most popular tourist resorts are located including our featured resorts of Bodrum and Kusadasi. Turkey is steeped in history and almost every road you travel has sites and ruins whose names feature boldly in the histories of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. Perhaps, most surprising for the newcomer, is the number of Christian sites dating from the time of Christ and the apostles and of course the house of the Virgin Mary located close to Kusadasi. The highest mountain peak in Turkey is Mount Ararat which, according to the Old Testament, was where Noahs ark came to rest as the great flood subsided.
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