Bible Adventures (NES) with commentary, Part 3

I saved the worst for last. Baby moses has slightly better controls than Noah’s Ark and David and Goliath. The problem? It’s ridiculous. You have to carry a baby to the end of the stage, but not only do you drop the baby whenever a spider bumps into you, you go flying 50 feet in the air, soldiers rush in and murder the baby. Real family values in this game. This game could not, under any circumstances, by any person be considered fun.

25 Responses to “Bible Adventures (NES) with commentary, Part 3”

  1. djlagomorph says:

    U gotta say “piss out of my ass!!” like that Tourettes dude on South Park^^

  2. 12ajax21 says:

    look at the baby at 4:48 I swear he’s flippin his middle finger at us lmao

  3. themaxster100 says:

    i hear you can throw baby jesus around 🙂

  4. RokoLokoful says:

    @NecroVMX fuck the babyit can suck my cock wuz Hilarius X)

  5. endefisto123 says:

    super women.

  6. mew6112 says:

    @K33p3r99 No, but if you know how fundamentalist Christians are, they do shit like this all the time. THese people are probably the same who came up with the dungeons and dragons scare. They give Christians such a bad name.

  7. NecroVMX says:

    @K33p3r99 They had to be on something

  8. K33p3r99 says:

    I laughed so much when you drowned in the water.
    Were the producers on crack when they made this game?

  9. Smithkakarot says:

    I’m a Christian too, and I find games like this rather…blasphemous.

  10. baxterfilms says:

    that spider looks like the spider from the little critter books

  11. GamePlayer596 says:

    I just LOL’d at the tags for this video.

  12. carnival252 says:

    haha when u said “on to the next level” u sound just like meatwad from aqua teen hunger force.

  13. JonnyPoika says:

    No, not really ^^

  14. NecroVMX says:

    That doesn’t mean anything to anybody

  15. JonnyPoika says:

    Spiritual Warfare is good game only because it is Zelda ripoff.

  16. NecroVMX says:

    I’m aware of who made it. Obviously they don’t all suck, I’ve pointed out spiritual warfare as an example of a good one

  17. JonnyPoika says:

    Spiritual Warfare is another Wisdoom tree game, haha.

    You should make more commentary videos about other wisdoom tree games. They all suck i think.

  18. NecroVMX says:

    Thanks. I guess it’s because they think because it’s a christian game then it HAS to be good but obviously not…none of the Christians I know would play this willingly.

    There *are* good christian games, like spiritual warfare (though that’s a blatant zelda knockoff kinda like golden axe warrior)

  19. JonnyPoika says:

    I don´t understand why many christians are offended by this. Come on, it is just about a game, it is humour. I am a christian also but didn´t get offended.
    BTW, youre commentary videos are the best NecroVMX.

  20. AyaneStar says:

    Lol!!!! XD You have the funniest commentarys I have ever seen!!! :p

  21. gambitraven says:

    lmao seems like you need to be stoned to play this

  22. jonmina123 says:

    this vid is fucking funny

  23. PhantosTheHedgehog says:

    So if you get to the end of the level without the baby, the game’s basically saying, “Hey, you got to the end of the level! Well FUCK YOU, you forgot the baby!”

  24. OpticalIllusions64 says:

    well YAH,

    he was sitting on the water at 6:48

    he was pulling a baby jesus

  25. NecroVMX says:

    name of it is “baby moses”

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