Red Ice Radio – John Lash – Pt 1 – Mystery Religions, Gnosticism, the Occult & the Globalist Elite

Comparative mythologist, author and teacher John Lash returns to the program to discuss “The Mysteries”, Religion, Gnosticism, Mystery Schools and the alleged connection to the Globalist Elite. Many different researchers in the alternative research community claim that the elite powers are stepped in the “Mystery religions”. They are accused of practicing paganism and occult rituals. Is this true? Is it true paganism? Can this myth be clarified further and can it be defined with more appropriate terminology? Topics Discussed: The Mysteries, The Pagan Mysteries, 415 AD, Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Salvationism, The Superman, Gnostics, Deification, Devine Intelligence, Pagan People, Roman Empire, Messiah, Execution of the Gnostics, Etruscans, Human Psychosis, Pathology, The Globalist Game, Serial Killers, Sociopaths, Ted Bundy, Occult Techniques, Subconscious Suggestions, Orchestration of Social Evil, Black Magic, Sophia Myth, the Re-emergence of the Mystery Schools, Theosophist, Organic Light, Counter Magic, Immunity to Resist the Dementia, Shamanism, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Iboga Cult, Voracious, The Expose of the New World Order, Archons, Mind Parasites, Pagans and much more. We continue to talk about the insertion of the idea of the Anti Christ figure into Christianity and what function this might carry on a bigger scale. John poses the question of why the Gnostics or the disciples of the Myth of Sophia, didn’t do anything to protect themselves from the

25 Responses to “Red Ice Radio – John Lash – Pt 1 – Mystery Religions, Gnosticism, the Occult & the Globalist Elite”

  1. memorexe says:

    I always appreciate John Lash’s sound thinking on these matters.

  2. SororThothma says:

    Christianity is the devil
    Science is his whore
    Money is his lifeblood
    And he jacks off by making war

  3. tiarnan76 says:

    @StraightOuttaDC The sun worship you speak of is probably what you learned watching Zeitgeist – youre really showing your ignorance here…Zeitgeist has been debunked by scholars of all faiths – and the first lie by Satan was to say that man too can become God – this is what John Lash professes and also the makers of Zeitgeist – so from Biblical teachings this judgement is passed down – Im merely the conduit…

  4. tiarnan76 says:

    @StraightOuttaDC Youve obviously never read-CORNELIUS TACITUS , GAIUS SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS , THALLUS , PLINY THE YOUNGER , CELSUS, LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA, MARA BAR-SERAPION , FLAVIUS JOSEPHUS which are regarded as the finest historians of the time and all wrote about the life of Jesus….they were his contemporaries so I fail to see how they could write “how he changed the course of History” seeing as though the rise of Christianity was subsequent to all their deaths…

  5. StraightOuttaDC says:


    Jesus is said to have lived from 7 BCE to 33 CE, yet documents from the time don’t mention a man who allegedly changed the course of Human History. And we could go into the truth about your Sun worship, but everyone that disagrees with you is a “Satanist” in your eyes. Isn’t passing such judgment reserved only for your God?

    Typical Christian; a hypocrite.

  6. tiarnan76 says:

    Its amazing the way Satanists hide behind the mask of “Philosophy…”

  7. tiarnan76 says:

    @StraightOuttaDC how is he alleged? You had every major historian – even anti Christians – who wrote about Jesus 2,000 years ago – if you don’t believe Jesus existed then you can believe nothing

  8. Hellsingkyer says:

    @lumpfish99 You are completely right – much respect

  9. StraightOuttaDC says:


    And it still doesn’t make any sense. Jesus was a(n) (alleged) man. Why should I worship him to get to heaven if there is one?

  10. billiardsusa says:

    @jurg71—your right that Jesus is the meat and lifeblood of heaven and if we dont remember him when we partake in his holy flesh and blood then we wont enter in to the holy presence of God filled with the holy spirit—-we eat and drink and remember Jesus in order to enter in to eternal life in the presence of God filled with the holy spirit in the kingdom of heaven and that kingom is within each and everyone of us and it can only be accessed by the precious bloodshed on calvary

  11. Jurg71 says:

    That is a gross miscontextual impression that you’re giving. If you read John 6, you will see that the Jews were “grossed out” by his phrase. But what Jesus actually meant was that he is the meat and lifeblood of heaven, and no one gets to heaven but through him.

  12. boodabill says:

    John Lash does not support the NWO in any way. His info helps people understand how to overcome their influence by awakening to a truer spirituality.

    I don’t know about “God within” because we have to define God. But I do know that when i meditate on the nature of mind, compassion spontaneously arises.

  13. billiardsusa says:

    the only way to access the presence of God is by the flesh and blood of the son of man (magic mushrooms and magic mushroom tea) according to Jesus this is the only way to enter into Gods holy presence and proof is in John 6:53-56–he says that he who eats the flesh and blood, he is in them and they are in him and they will be filled with the holy spirit in the presence of God and that is eternal life where 1 day =1000 years——the one and only way to have holy communioun with almighty God

  14. trashmail8 says:

    Around 00:50s.. a Raven… not sure from the top of my head if that image was around in other video’s, but a nice symbol (knowledge/insight/foresight/divine providence) for sure. 😀

    Thank you RiR staff for another great interview! 🙂

  15. lumpfish99 says:

    i agree but meanwhile more and more of our freedoms are vanishing, criminals steal tax payers money openly, politicians lie and continue to hypnotise people and police corruption explodes…..once you are strong within yourself what will you do?

  16. barbh1 says:

    Getting strong within yourself is not doing nothing.

  17. lumpfish99 says:

    not if they do nothing…..

  18. planetfrog says:

    “Just cause it sounds convenient doesn’t make it true”…true for who? For all you’ve learned Uenbg; tell me one thing – where do you end, and I begin?

    ..I think you pretend to know me, better than you know yourself. 🙂

    Peace brother.

  19. Uenbg says:

    Oh, and I would like to point out that a lot of information on my page comes from atheists, scientistcs, archeologists, government funded evolutionists, truthmovements (like Jordan Maxwell who is against Christianity just like this guy) and a lot more non-bible sources. Even if you’re not religious the videos on my page can be quite informational since everyone gets their say. None of the videos are my own and I have no religious denomination (I don’t belong to any church or organization).

  20. Uenbg says:

    Thinking in those terms is the same as just copying the brainwashing of the NWO pawns, if you’re still able to recognize new information, there’s plenty of evidence on my page that supports that.

    Your argument “our divinity does not need to be found in an external point of authority” is a very old one. It was first mentioned and recorded in history thousands of years ago. You can find who came up with that concept on my page as well.

    Just cause it sounds convenient doesn’t make it true.

  21. barbh1 says:

    I like this show a lot. I like that he points out that the “elite” are basically just a bunch of sociopaths. They are dangerous, but real humans with empathy will always prevail against them.

  22. planetfrog says:

    Thanks for trying to save me though, terribly good of you. I dont need saving. Look in the mirror..

  23. planetfrog says:

    @Uenbg. You’re welcome to disagree with the chap, but quite frankly I agree with alot of what he says. His book “Not in his Image” is inspired and has resonated with my internal workings in a way that has helped me crystalise some of my view points. I’m not in the business however of carrying around a book with me and quoting it as the word of god. Many people are (and thats their choice), but personally,our divinity does not need to be found in an external point of authority.Its as much within.

  24. Uenbg says:


    Thanking someone who is deceiving you, that’s what made me have to respond to this video.

    If you want to find out why I am saying this video is intentional misinformation concerning the NWO I guess you’ll have to look at a couple of my playlists. I’ve included this video in the playlist “Examples of misinformation/deceit”.

    Sorry to step on your parade (to everyone that believes this man) but let’s just say I disagree and the reasons can be found on my page, so let’s not argue.

  25. tyga42 says: if they didnt plan our lives and give us all purpose we would get just get bored genocidal and probably just all kill each other without the illumination of their divine spirit..

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