Fundamentalist Christians are your sites set on Godly things or worldly things?

The Bible tells us that our sites should not be on the world, but on God.

However, I see post after post on this site from supposed Christians who are all gloom and doom. They say the end is near, and point out all of the bad things in the world…all the while overlooking all of the good in the world….and the blessings we have been given.

I come from humble beginnings, my parents were very poor…however, I was lucky enough to make good grades…strong enough to work hard and put myself through college. So, I have a great career, have nice things, and am able to travel, etc…

So, I thank God every day for the blessings he has given me…I know the value of what I have, and what it is like to do without.

I have seen a relative have a long illness and die…so, I thank God each day for my health.

I have seen the filth of some other countries…so, thank God each day for the wealth and stabililty of the U.S.

I have seen the mountains, the oceans, natural wonders
natural wonders of the world…and I am ever so grateful for all of these blessings…

So, my question…fundamentalist Christians…have you had such a priviledged life that you never learned to appreciate these simple things in life?

Or, is your life so terrible now, that you cannot see the beauty in life…

Or, do you simply have your focus on man instead of God…so, you have become blinded to the blessings of life?

As a Christian you should be full of joy…not despair that so many of you project on this site.

8 Responses to “Fundamentalist Christians are your sites set on Godly things or worldly things?”

  1. dze says:

    my SIGHTS are set on both i think .. i try to keep God first ..

  2. crimmsonandclover says:

    I have a wonderful life..Gave my mother her 75th Birthday Party this weekend and everyone from my childhood showed up old friends new friends family they all spoke on my mother and GOD was blessing such a wonderful celebration…

  3. Southern Joe says:

    My life has not being privileged in a materialistic sense but i am privileged to follow the Lord, my Father. He enriches my life and everything i do, i do for Him.

  4. john says:

    To set your mind on Godly things,
    is to set your mind on the spirit of good to others and things, the spirit of truth for good,
    and the spirit of righteousness to others

    And to stand against those who do not the gospel of God.

  5. LadyG says:

    You’re correct in that we are to have our sites set on Godly things. Material things don’t matter, we can’t take them with us when we go. Understanding that we’re living in the end times shouldn’t mean doom and gloom. I have little control over what goes on, and have learned to be content with what I have, and grateful for what He has given me.

  6. geessewereabove says:

    “”It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven.” Jesus said.
    How many of the people that have money and go to church can go to heaven? Are stopped because they don’t care enough about others? Are you convincing others to become Christian? Are you giving as much money as you can away to help others to become Christians? Or instead of just praying thankful that you have food, sending money out to fed those that are starving?

  7. Jed says:

    The verses that address this in Colossians were the first verses I read after being re-born.
    I refer to that alot.
    Thankful? Yes, of course. Content? Yes, of course.
    Others are not always, so many try to encourage.
    We cannot see all the good always, even Christ spoke of the end times, right? We should not ignore any subject because it seems offensive in our ears. We should keep an even balance, however.
    And that is key…having a balanced life in Christ, not emphasizing one doctrine above another.

  8. Michael B says:

    We are not supposed to be concerned with worldly things, but rather things of God. Too many anti-gay Christians are far too concerend with homosexuality and their homophobia reaches the level of idolatry. They should re-focus on God and the blessings in their lives and surrounding them and leave gay people alone.

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