George Hunt on Alex Jones Tv 6/9: The Inner Workings of A One World, New Age Government

Alex welcomes to the show George Washington Hunt, a former naval officer and an official host at the UNCED 4th World Wilderness Congress. Hunt is educating the public on a secret bank set in motion by international financier Edmond de Rothschild and Maurice Strong. Hunt exposes this conspiracy in his 30 minute documentary, The Big Bad Bank.

19 Responses to “George Hunt on Alex Jones Tv 6/9: The Inner Workings of A One World, New Age Government”

  1. glennjgd says:

    Free Energy is real and its here but the coverup is strong, if u are interested in a REAL free energy magnet motor then

    just go to LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM and download the blueprints ,it is probably the ONLY working magnet

    motor out there. Join the free energy revolution!!

  2. deceiver123m says:

    @core1976scotland the guys just suppppppper old and easily confused cause the fool cant hear well no more- but look at his movies and interviews, he explains what he knows better

  3. hubangon says:

    Alex Jones, I wish you dont interrupt or talk-over your guest speakers while they are still talking.

  4. karlkarlkarl1234 says:

    Someone needs to create a really powerful and virulent computer virus/Trojan horse that can spread to all the computers in the World informing everyone of the NWO plans.

    That is the most effective way I can think of to get the word out in what little time we have left, to absolutely everyone.

  5. PARRAvliss says:

    jooohooohooo alex jones is the best

  6. MetalHeadViking says:

    they want world communism.

  7. tiatdivad says:

    cannon fodder…b@stards!!

  8. vacinestoxic says:


    Would you prefer the term “farm animal”

    to “cannon fodder”

    They plan to cull the World’s population

    so farm animal is probably a better term. 🙂

  9. TaigaSibirskaya says:


  10. shenmueryu says:

    That’s why they must be resisted no matter what. “not by a democratic process as that would take too much time to educate the cannon fodder”

  11. core1976scotland says:

    That george hunt is a s**t guest like,He doesnt sound to sure about anything.

  12. snafuedem says:

    2012= mark of the unicorns

  13. Becka333999 says:

    I don’t believe I appreciate being thought of as ‘cannon fodder.’

  14. masterllama43 says:

    2012=mark of the beast folks

  15. johnandrewmann says:

    That’s exactly right. That is the definition of a psychosis. They are a human cancer that must be destroyed.

  16. hawkdreaming says:

    one thing about these ‘elitists’ that is particularly nauseating is this: first they enslave us by controlling all aspects of our lives… then degrade our morals by assaulting our minds with drivel and corruption… degrade our bodies with toxins and lack of healthful activities… and at the end of it, stand with their noses in the air and ridicule us for being pathetic. This is what they did with the Native Americans first, then the captives in Nazi Germany, and now all… THAT is twisted!

  17. dmj481 says:

    @rzee and they will find out it is all true!

  18. puzzey83 says:

    i dunno why people find it so fuckin hard to believe, there was a point when england fucking owned the whole world, mass genocide, ethnic cleansing, raping, war, torture are all things done in the past and still continuing, look at the fuckin world around you, how millions are riddled with disease and suffering in poverty, u think its any better here??? its another kind of slavery and poverty, look at where your money goes, to Corporations and the government WHY WOULDNT THEY EXPLOIT U

  19. rzee says:

    Alex Jones and George Hunt just shanked your face full of information.

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