18 Responses to “1 World Religion for the New Age”

  1. Serge1965 says:

    I don’t want to drink their Kool aid, there is only One God and His Name is Jesus Christ who saves the souls of mankind from the penalty for their sins,Christ Jesus is not a religion, He is God and the Bible is not a religious book but it is the Book of life that we all must read, the agenda behind their one world religion is satanic and from New Age deception and lies, stay away from these deceived people, ask Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life now and have eternal life.

  2. gamingsoul11 says:

    As a non-religious person, I have observed that religion has caused more problems than anything. With no bias, I care about everyone.

  3. sambios says:

    @theoceanse very funny I bet you never opened it. These brain washed media got what they wanted cuz someone like you are following blindly. They hypnotised you and made you obedience to their matrix system sooner they will implant microchip you in your dumb brain.

  4. theoceanse says:

    @sambios I read the Anti Christian Quran everyday, I know for myself how stupid it is

  5. sambios says:

    @theoceanse from you where you quoted. Everyone could see these are not your words. Shall we say BBC, NBC or CNN. If I ware you, I would think before I open my mouth.

  6. Godcomingwithsword says:

    Obeying Holy law, personal relation ship with God, growing spiritually, is the ONLY way to escape JUDGEMENTY DAY. If u dont have any of this you going to HELL.

  7. theoceanse says:

    New age is good, Islam is bad

  8. judyrusso says:

    And we need to honor God and Jesus Christ more often in our daily lives. More so now in these times.

  9. judyrusso says:

    New agers are the most misled and dangerous. When I was searching for answers I followed the new age..only for a short time. By the grace of god I turned away from it.

    I see the new agers as the largest group of people being manipulated and greatly deceived by people like Benjamin Creme.

    We need to educate others on this greatest deception of modern times.

  10. Matthew1944 says:

    @xistntial -there is no doubt now,? these are the end times.”


  11. xistntial says:

    Such evil things have to occur before the return of God to earth, because there is no doubt now, these are the end times. Even the elect, if it were possible.

  12. YahWillDeliverUs says:

    thanks 🙂 I saw this one in it´s entirety.. aren´t they a bunch! Behind the scenes they are working very hard deceiving the people and developing new dogma´s and ideas to make confusion complete…and they crawl in front of a camera telling the same ppl they deceive to drop everything cuz, that was all a lie…
    Yeah, breaking down to build up something “new”!

  13. YoelBenYsryael says:

    these people will not see what is coming. They are only going to replace mulitiple religions with ONE religion (Noachide Law) enforceable by Jewish Rabbis world wide… the same group that brought the world atheism… and the “here and now” and science… all of which came from the Kaballah.

    It’s clever… even though it is doomed to fail.

  14. Riverblue87 says:

    Life is not pointless.

    God is here. We’re just so stupid that we do things that aren’t good in God’s honour and name.

    We should be ashamed of ourselves. Peace upon you.

  15. farliecharlie says:

    Humanity created foolish religion in its infancy, the biggest fool is the person that believes that lie today. There is no god, no devil, no heaven, no hell, just here and now.

  16. ResistenciaHumana says:

    the PROBLEM IS the Man who Create it NOT Religion

  17. farliecharlie says:

    Religion is a sham that is used to replace the personal development of morals and ethics. Religion is the problem not the solution.

  18. keshawn888 says:

    Shalom Bigmoney714. Thanks for sending me the link to this video.

    Yes, all praises to YAH, me and you are aware of this new one world religion that is being promoted throughout the world to bring so-called “peace” to all humanity.

    All it is, is a gigantic fish net to gather up all the foolish and unwise, including those who DO NOT believe.

    Sadly for them, they will not realize and submit to this man of sin cause they do NOT know their bible nor the true color of the one know as “Christ”

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