God, Picture ID, Please.

If God really exists and is everywhere as many? believe, then He must presently be right here on earth. Being neither sneaky nor scared nor trespassing, God must also be? able to produce picture ID showing He is not an illegal alien. This issue not of theology or idle speculation but of fact and law is now undisputedly resolved from a factual and legal standpoint in this most fascinating even though rational and factual Six-Hour Movie and TV Show Live. Incredibly DMT God 3.0 shows his authentic ID papers in form of US Passport and Certificate of Naturalization. Evidentiary enough for him to land in US federal prison for a long time if they were not. He further turns skeptics into believers by converting a bishop and a pastor and making before a live TV audience a miraculous demonstration that God does not need to perform miracles for sign or evidence that He is indeed God Jehovah returning on earth a THIRD time. The true power of God is in the word. God IS THE WORD, Spirit, Software, Commandments, Orders, Instructions, Guidance, Love, Hope, Inspiration, Wisdom and greatest VISION. DMT also reconciles basic theological conflicts among major world religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Communism, Atheism… By his WORD God 3.0 inspires Universal Partnership based on RPR in AR [Reliability, Productivity and Respectability (Respect for Life, Property and Freedom) in Absolute Relativity, ie good faith, reason and balance] to restore America to its
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