Team Building Games For Kids

Team building games for kids, are intended to help children in different ways as they develop in life. When children are together during social functions trouble is bound to occur eventually, for instance, fights, straying, accidents and noises among others are bound to occur. There is need then to bring children together in a group to engage in constructive activities instead. Team building games for kids, are mostly held indoors or outdoors. They should be real fun as well as provide knowledge. There is team building games for kids, which are classified as action games as they are meant to ensure the children remain energetic and lively. A game like banana pass is an outdoor action sport where children race in a relay using a banana as the baton. Follow the leader is an energized game where players are expected to ape and mimic what the designated leader does. As such it is hilarious and fun filled. Pulse games are recommended for large indoor groups. They form two lines and move around fast mimicking an electric current.

”Mother may I”, Involves selecting one child to act as the mother. The child should then sit at a distance; she then calls other children’s names at random and gives them orders. It’s intended to emphasize use of good manners. “Ghost in the Graveyard”, is played at night whereby children chase each other in a hide and seek type manner. Some games are structured to sharpen children’s thinking and analytic qualities. These are important just as much as the physical exercises. Bowl games are usually guessing games that could be played at parties. It involves cutting small papers where children write on anything that comes to their mind. Later they are folded back into the bowl and players asked to describe as many as they possibly can. “Human Sculptures”, is a general party game intended to stimulate children’s minds. One chooses a topic children love, like a famous movie. Players then group themselves and write ideas from it and later form a human shape with their bodies. The other groups are asked to say what the figures represent.

There are also various team building games, for kids that are promoted by the Christian Gamers Union like “Imperial Guard”, played in large groups. It involves a person verbalizing their name, then whoever is at their right repeats it and gives their own name. The third person repeats the names of the first two and gives theirs. So in the end the last person is expected to remember the names of all the others. “The Legend of Zelda”, is a popular video game that could be played during church concerts. Christian singing games and teens could have short bible readings in them. Games can be classified in many ways, like the amount of energy that goes into carrying them out thus, they are referred to as action or stationary games. Others are classified in term of their location like party games, indoor and outdoor games. Whatever they are called team building games for kids are intended to horn children’s teamwork and leadership skills.

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