One God One Religion

One God one Religion

Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

All the people in this world accept that there is one and only one God and we all are the children of the same one God and therefore, we are not different, but members of one and same family. This admissions is just formal because where-ever we go we find the people divided in religions, in castes, in economic groups, in sub castes and in countries and at the same time we find that the people are not one but they think differently, they eat differently, they speak differently and they wear on clothes differently just to establish that they are not one with all, but they are different people. And the whole history of this mankind is written with the ink of blood of this man. At each stage of history of this mankind they had been at war with each other and they had been killing the people just to establish that their religion is better and is more stronger, their country is great and more powerful and we had noted in history that there had been forced conversions and people of one religion had been demolishing religious places of other religions and similarly they had been destroying religious books of other religions. One set of people had been trying to establish that they were great and the people from the other side had been declaring that the people killed were great martyrs. Though no religion approved all these killings, yet there had been killings and therefore, we should accept that this man could not understand the real meaning of religion and he just befooling others that he is a religious person. We have noted that people of one religion are trying to wear such clothes and cutting their hairs in such a style that they should distinguish themselves separately and should not mix with others. And hence this family of God could not remain one house or home, but it is now divided into different countries, different religions, different castes, different economic groups and the like and all are trying to establish that they are better or the best from the others.

So the concept of one God one religion is no more in operation and we must accept that the stage on which this mankind has reached, it would not allow the people to establish one religion for all the people i.e. a common religion nor we shall be having a common economic standard for all on this world. People who are stronger shall be looting the people who are weak and therefore, one set of people shall be turning rich and the other set of people shall be reduced to poverty. This division of this mankind into two economic groups is more dangerous because this division shall further separate one group from the other. The rich group shall be established their own colonies and the people from the weaker sections shall be constrained to establish their separate colonies and the whole social life shall be divided amongst rich and poor. This mankind shall be having further divisions on these economic groups i.e. the rich shall be having some grades and similarly the poor shall also be having sections on the same lines as the people are divided on the basis of religions, castes and then sub castes. There seems no stage at which stage the people shall be becoming one and one only. The division of this mankind shall go further and there seems no end to this division and that is the reason they shall be dividing God in different parts. The concept of one God is gone because it is on books and in real and practical life, this man has already divided God into different parts and even God Himself shall not be able to unite Himself into one. We have seen this division since centuries and had there been a powerful God, He could have united Himself into one. But it is not so. There are divisions and now these divisions are becoming permanent and we must accept that there shall be another world war between the two religions and one religion shall try to finish the people of the other religion. Let us see who wins this war, but the war is very near and everybody in these both the religions is trying to become stronger so that they could establish their victory.

If God is one and one only, then God should come down and establish one religion throughout this world and the division on the basis of different religions, castes, sub castes and countries should stop and this mankind should be turned into one family and only then the wish of God shall be fulfilled. The man shall get more time to discover and invent and this earth of us shall turn a Heaven and we shall not be praying for another Heaven after our death. But God is not accepting our prayer and the division of this mankind is still going on and we do not know the end of this division. There is nothing in the hands of this mankind because all efforts made update have failed and none could join all the religions into one religion. Till these religions and sub religions are there, even God shall not be able to establish Himself into one. God has already divided into parts and that is the reason God has become weaker. Even God Himself is not giving the right direction to this man. The man is going astray and is turning this earth into a real Hell. God must stop this man because God never wished that this earth should be a living Hell and all the people on this earth should turn Devils or followers of the Devil.


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