World & religion?

Why do people care if people do or don’t practice a religion? Why does religion even matter? Maybe I’m seeing the world from a narrow-minded view it seems like people complain about religion way too much. If people want, to be Atheist, then let them be Atheist. If people want to follow Christianity, let them follow it. How is religion a problem in this world?

4 Responses to “World & religion?”

  1. union_yes_pww_newspaper says:

    When the fundies try to shove it down the throats of others – it’s a problem.

    See: Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials, Saudi Arabia, etc.

  2. daljack says:

    Religion of some sort has been practiced since the beginning of humanity and it will always be practiced.

    We should all respect our individual decision to follow a faith or religion or as Atheists to not believe in God.

    We’re not going to change how we feel about this… we should just accept it and move on.

  3. jyoti says:

    You got a point….. But the argument will always be a grey area… Christians and Muslims are obligated to spread their religion. That’s the religious way.. Not doing so will be unholy… Well that’s according to the bible and Koran… And atheist… well being who they are..,they only wish to dispute all other believes……… It will go on…. like it or not.. It’s not going to stop. Freedom of speech right. Freedom of practise right. One has to just turn the other way…… That is the only way….

  4. Leroy H says:

    Religion is a problem because Most all of them teach to spared the word, that others will parish or worse if they don’t believe, and also to protect those who do, from believing otherwise and even nonbelievers want to save believers from a life of boredom.

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