Taylor Swift – Taylor Swift

Some cool christian singles images:

Taylor Swift – Taylor Swift
christian singles
Image by [captivated]
I lovelovelove her!
I got this great idea of polaroids from Christian (xChristiansuxx)
I made this yesterday but, I wasn’t quite sure about it so I waited to post it.
Now, I’m sure that I really love this.
I’ve always loved this photoshoot and since there are so many outtakes, I figured it would be the perfect photoshoot to use for this graphic.
I hope you guys like this one, feel free to use it in iTunes!

Troll Free Zone
christian singles
Image by Pathos Photos
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According to folklore (and sci-fi nuts), Trolls are supposed to live under bridges. That got me thinking … would they also make their homes under freeways? Well, there was only one way to find out. I found the first freeway underpass I could and searched high and low, but alas, there was not a single Troll in sight. I mean, there were some rats and roaches, but nothing larger than a small dog. Maybe they are shy, or maybe they prefer the comfort of a nice wooden bridge, but either way, I can assure you that freeway underpasses are Troll free. You are welcome.

Christian Science Church
christian singles
Image by Sonia Kiss
It’s a stitch of four images from my P&S, but then a simple rectilinear projection, producing a result like what a DSLR and a very wide angle lens would give in a single image.