Beyond Religion, Volume III, eBook

world religion
by rowanf

Inhousepress, Montreal, Canada, Presents Beyond Religion, Volume 3 (ISBN 978-0-9813015-1-8). Until July 31st, the eBook is available on at a 26% promotional discount.

If you want to see the mysteries of the world unfold before your eyes, if you want to span the universe, fathom the depth of human emotions, cross light-years into the future of mankind, download this book. Slowly, often with surprise, as often with euphoric pleasure, you’ll sift through years of accumulated fallacy and rediscover the truth.

And hopefully, just as often, you will be highly amused.


Beyond Religion Volume III is also available on Smashwords, with 20% of free reading. Until the end of July, the 26% promotional discount applies to most of Kapuscinski’s eBooks. Please click on the URL below, and find out.


The original PDF version is also available at Inhousepress. Please click:






Anyone searching these pages for quick, glib, answers will be disappointed. I would rather my readers treated my essays as a menu of exotic dishes, perhaps a silver tray of hors-d’oeuvres, which they might taste, relish, ponder upon their esoteric ingredients, and if still tempted—swallow.

Whatever subject is discussed in these pages, it is always, per force, colored by my attitude towards reality as I see it. A friend once told me that I do not provide straight answers to the multitude of questions raised. I don’t, according to him, even provide sufficient meat to engage in a profound discussion.

That’s quite true. What I offer is a view of reality that is not espoused by the vast majority of people I’ve ever met. The intend of my essays is not to impose my views on others, but to inspire the reader to form his or hers own viewpoint which will not be limited by the evidence of their senses or conditioning.

We all see reality differently.

Beauty to some is dire boredom or indifference to others. We hear differently. Hard-rock is reputed to be music to some ears, jarring cacophony to others. A gentle touch is but a sign of weakness to those hankering for power. Tastes in food differ the world over. And so on. And what seems even worse (or better?) is that all tastes, all opinions derived from the evidence of our senses appear to be transient, ephemeral. We live, hopefully we grow, we mature. We become more discriminating. We evolve. Physically, mentally, perhaps even at the spiritual levels. This last motley is usually dismissed as superstition, unrealistic, impractical—unreliable. Yet, by the Sherlock Holmes’ well-known process of exclusion, the spiritual reality seems the only one that is permanent, unchanging, and reliable.


Whoever read my essays collected in Volumes I and II, must have a good idea what direction I have chosen in my study of reality. I searched, and continue searching, not just for the Truth per se, but into the manner in which modern man/woman can incorporate this Truth in his/her everyday life. After some twenty-five years of study, I came to the conclusion that once we find the key, which unlocks the knowledge seated deeply in our unconscious, our viewpoint changes dramatically. I have already demonstrated, however briefly, the futility of reliance on our senses. Unfortunately, for as long as we limit ourselves to the constrains of our intellect, we remain in dualistic reality. It is still a reality of contrasts, contradictions, and apparent mysteries so dear to most if not all world religions. As long as we wish to perform miracles, to act as an intermediary between the Potential and the Consequence, we espouse a dualistic, transient, ephemeral mode. We accept a reality that is not as good as it could be. On the other hand, the Perfection, referred to by some people as God, does not appear to be omnipresent. Unless we revise our definition of Perfection. If God were as defined by religions, there would be no need for miracles. God, who is perfect and omnipresent, precludes any necessity for improvement.

And yet…?


Hence the essays.


In the meantime, it seems that only spiritual reality offers escape from duality. It is passive, static, eternal, undisturbed, inexplicable bliss. If you join me on my journey, our search will not lead us to stop performing miracles, but to perform them only for those who still have need of them. For those who have not yet achieved liberation from the dualistic mode of being. We all perform and witness miracles daily. The trick is to see them with non-physical senses. To witness them as eternal observers and then to realize that we and the Observer are one.



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