21 Responses to “Denise”

  1. randalflaggsghost says:

    it’s a joke? Okay.? I almost responded.

  2. alisonnicole84 says:

    Does nobody realize that this is? a joke…

  3. ChicagoTheory says:

    There are no “soul mates.” I’m single, and I’ve realized that it’s better to just assume it’s not going to happen than wait around for someone who might very well never arrive. You waste your whole? life that way. Best of luck to you, Denise. I wish I had more faith to believe for your husband….

  4. alferie says:

    There? is always hope!

  5. BlueLeafTubers says:

    haha well no one has posted for 6 months but im? sure someone is right for you

  6. LAVENECIA126 says:

    Are you joking right??

  7. LovnJesus says:

    Dear Denise, This was cute, funny, and a little dramatic – I’m not sure guys would? exactly respond to it though. Maybe try another version. God knows your heart and He will answer your hearts desires in His perfect timing. Trust in Him!

  8. MinnieTyko says:

    @marcryan71 Amen. I am also no longer interested in any kind of physical contact until marriage. Any man of God would be completely fine with this. I will totally honor a man that wants the same. Kissing is definitely a sensual act? and I don’t really know anyone who can kiss without feeling more than just “oh I’m kissing” It’s not just kissing. It is an action that comes before deeper sensual acts. Thanks for your comment! Praise God.

  9. VTwin4Christ says:

    I am a single dad who is 41 and a born again Christian. I can tell you first hand that once a man experiences the pleasures of the flesh, it is very difficult to refrain. Just as a dog returns to his own vomit… So will? a man who doesn’t stay in the word and surround himself w/ Christian men who hold him accountable. I can tell u though, the more we refrain… The more I love her for her. It’s difficult at times… But we are holding out 4 marriage to gain favor from the LORD.

  10. munyorig says:

    Wow..this message is so amazing, I pray that God helps me to stay pure? until marriage. It possible through Christ.


    espaƱol por favorrr !!

  12. albusai says:

    AMEN? !!!! love the fact that so many people agree,,, bless them all

  13. chriswatkinsdotcom says:

    where is the full sermon by matt? chandler??

  14. cboneofenglewood says:


    Amen. I am standing with you. Praise? Ye YAH, in Yashua’s name.

  15. tashkon says:

    I know I am 17…. not married… only been with one girl…. sort of… but I do know this. Without God, pornography will be something that is going to be stuck with me forever. It has affected how I think. After i had started, I found hugging people to be weird.? I found kissing anybody to be weird. Porn screwed up many basic things….. PRAISE GOD THAT HE CAN DELIVER ME!

  16. xhemexx says:

    for the man to be right, the woman needs to be right and vice versa, but the woman must respect her man? and love him truly and faithfully and not bring him down but build him up if there is to be any good relationship that will flourish. It is the same as any other area of life, the woman is to be a helper of man not a nuisance or a difficulty. Same goes the other way too, but in the context of the family since the man is the spiritual head of the family, women must act like true Godly women

  17. pilgrimmum says:

    great video and MUCH NEEDED TEACHING!? Thanks !

  18. marcryan71 says:

    I will admit that I felt “defrauded” by? my ex-girlfriend. Whereas my heart was fully committed to marriage, she decided we were not “right” for each other. When I look back at our conduct on the year we dated, I feel ashamed. As the man, I am to lead…but I was weak. I vowed that I would never again even kiss a woman…until she is my wife. I pray that all men hold fast to this…and that women honor a man who conducts himself in this way…and not challenge him. God’s way is best.

  19. mytube4f says:

    GOD bless you for making this video. It is so? true… Every man and woman need to know!!!

  20. SailorAmi94 says:

    This is great. :D? Thanks for posting!

  21. billywarren22 says:

    amen thank God? for such a beautiful picture called marriage.

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