25 Responses to “Chris Chan Game-The Maaallll”

  1. Vollita says:

    This is amazing.
    I want to play this Hahaha.
    Spin Attack: JUULLAAAYYY

  2. KrazyKacophony says:

    @ChrisChanGame You used Left 4 Dead too.

  3. xXKittyxCat says:


  4. kaptenlemper says:

    I completely lost it at “…Lego pieces aren’t accepted currency here.”

  5. Ryuuken117 says:

    The Spin Attack doesn’t involve Chris actually hitting his enemies. His enemies just gouge out their own eyes at the sight of his pasty, bloated body and crooked nether regions.

  6. Kosanami says:

    this is the
    best rpgmaker xp game ever ever.

  7. GeneStarwind09 says:

    Lmao, epic.

  8. hyrohero1 says:

    should have put “broken dead” instead of “lights punched”

  9. DukeNukem2020 says:

    The music reminds me of the Sega Genesis.

  10. ChrisChanGame says:

    @IvoryHellflames I used the RPG Maker thanks

  11. IvoryHellflames says:

    How’d you make this anyway?

    Well done eaither case, though i am curious.

  12. Gospeldude says:


    Mother 3. Pigmask battle theme. Called “Piggy Guys” IIRC.

  13. DukeNukem2020 says:

    LMAO, the spin attack was awesome. JULAY JULAY *random sounds*

  14. Silverthumb says:

    Oh my God, I want to play Final Chantasy so badly

  15. shbomb says:

    Also, the music that plays during the fights with regular jerkops is freaking sweet, where is it from??

  16. shbomb says:

    Wow looks pretty awesome! How come the people in the mall talk in British slang/accents though? Assuming this is Virginia, where Chris lives, it’s a bit inappropriate. I know that’s a minor complaint, but it irked me a bit for some reason.

  17. Suishijuu says:

    Suggestion: The stats (health and skill) are a bit difficult to read, especially against Sonichu. Maybe make them easier to see? Other than that, the game looks just fine.

  18. KurisaPaffy says:

    Spin attack is friggin overpowered XD Considering how much SP consumes, it doesn’t matter, it can be recovered easily. Do CWC more balanced, so he can be pwnd easier =3

  19. makerguyofvideos says:

    I love the jokes in here espically at 8:46 and JULAY!

  20. m0l0b0l0 says:


  21. leaveittobeavis says:


  22. deuone says:

    at first i thought to myself, wow, spin attack is overpowered, but then i remembered how deep trauma it truly left on me, i’d say it actually needs to be buffed

  23. Amphibimew says:

    i jizzed when i heard the mother intro.

  24. angrymnky says:

    one of cwc’s skills is “drink own semen”. fucking hilarious.

  25. Assiman says:

    Spin attack, lol. Julaay, julay, julaaaay

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