26 Responses to “The World’s top 12 least religious countries”

  1. Leehamism says:

    @bnbalenda AND @UnyieldingDefiance I find both of your comments interesting. Please put aside whether I agree with your comments or not. My initial thoughts: I’m shocked by statements proclaiming the earth to be 6000 years old and referring to evolution as “just a theory” Isn’t much of it about evidence? When you talk about eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust, can you not compare these (to some degree…) with ghost and UFO sightings?
    gas chambers = hoax???

  2. bnbalenda says:

    @juultjuh99 Thanks 🙂

  3. juultjuh99 says:

    Do you see the link guys? Netherland-Germany-Finland-Sweden-Norway-Denmark all countries with a low religion rate and the people who live their live the best lives and live in the richest countries troughout the world. Great job!

  4. bnbalenda says:

    @Phillex1337 I agree with you. They are also the least corrupt.

  5. Phillex1337 says:

    Clearly scandinavians are the most evolved people 🙂

  6. ShaundalynChic says:

    @atheistworstenemy The author of the video is just in denial that many other countries have very, very high secularized populations and are the poorest, least successful countries on Earth. Like North Korea. China is extremely poor. A handful of small Scandinavian countries, are hardly useful examples.

  7. bnbalenda says:

    @UnyieldingDefiance I think it’s anti-Semitic to deny that gas chambers took place. If you deny those facts, what makes you different from a Turk who denies the Armenian Genocide? I’m shocked by your statement. I’m not a Jew, but denying the gas chambers took place is very absurd. The Iranian leade Mahmoud Ahmajinedad is also in denial about the gas chambers. Nietzshe didn’t like Hitler, even if Hitler saw him as one of his favorite authors.

  8. UnyieldingDefiance says:

    @bnbalenda Well I can agree with that, religion shouldn’t have political or social authority. Whether Hitler was a Christian though is debatable, his favourite author was Nietzsche and he liked the ideas of Social Darwinism. there are a lot of lies spread about Hitler though, I suggest you use your rational and skeptical mind and give Holocaust Revisionists a chance. I’m not saying the Holocaust was a hoax but the gas chambers were.

  9. bnbalenda says:

    @UnyieldingDefiance The Catholic Church was involved in slavery and it contributed to Hitler’s killings of Jews, Roman people and others. For Centuries, the Catholic Church has persecuted Jews and many priests had sex with small boys/girls for ages. Christianity is a hypocritical religion and there things, which you guys have in common with Islam. You guys hate secularism. Both the teachings of the Bible and the Quran are immoral.

  10. bnbalenda says:

    @UnyieldingDefiance What I have against religion is that it demands authority, where it has no authority. In United States, South Africa and the Dem.Rep.of Congo, racial segregation happened in the name of Christianity. In 1915, Turks killed 1,5 Christians Armenians because they were Christians. They did it in the name of Islam. Arabs promoted slave trade in the name of Islam for 1000s of years in the name of Islam. Hitler killed Jews and he was a Christian.

  11. UnyieldingDefiance says:

    @bnbalenda Slavery was common all over the world in biblical times, but no Christian denominations condone slavery nowadays. I don’t think religion alone is the cause of the worlds problems because religions have vast differences. What would you have to say about religions that only worship gods as architypes rather than literal beings and are Atheists? And its not as if Atheists are the most ethical when it comes to their scientific pursutes.

  12. bnbalenda says:

    @SoSaCA100 The Bible encourages slavery many Christians used the Bible as a inspiration to promote slavery, racial segragation, anti-Semitism. Catholics priests dehumanize children by having sex with them.Christian terrorists burn hospitals in the USA because of abortion does the death of George Tiller say something to you? North Korea, USSR and China abused their people because of their ideology, not atheism.

  13. bnbalenda says:

    @SoSaCA100 I have nothing against you disagreeing with me. That’s why I make these videos, so that we can have a debate. It’s up to you to decide, if this is your last debate. In my native country, France religion raped its human existance for centuries, the same with Ireland, Egypt. Look at how Muslims behave to other people who criticize their religion. They do it with violence.

  14. SoSaCA100 says:

    @bnbalenda now,your last statement is nothing more than a public lie or a show of ignorance and I am not sure what’s worse.
    Atheism dehumanize humans,that’s why USSR ,China,North Korea are not human only Christian countries are human and democratic.
    its clear that human rights , democracy , justice goes hand by hand with Christianity not with atheism.
    I will leave the last word for you,if you wish.

  15. SoSaCA100 says:

    @bnbalenda I guess your argument is a pragmatic one,so even if I grant you that every thing that you stated to support the argument is true ,which is not true,that will not prove that Atheism is true.
    but what’s make your case even worse is that all your statements are wrong.
    the comparison between a car and a human getting a membership in a church is false,but even if I want to be exceedingly generous with you,the conclusion that they are not Christians doesn’t even necessarily follow.

  16. atheistworstenemy says:

    @ShaundalynChic You’re grasping at straws. There was no real connection made between these countries religiosity and their success, but somehow some countries having very, very high secularized populations and being successful seems to irk you in some way.

  17. atheistworstenemy says:

    @mindwis3 It’s okay. They ignored my question anyway, presumably because it was just rhetoric and not substantive.

  18. mindwis3 says:

    “Which Christian values exactly”

    Sorry, i missed you kindof asked the same question 😉

  19. mindwis3 says:

    “71.3% of? the population are church members.”

    It’s perhaps more correct to state that (using your number):
    28.7% of the non religious took the effort to unsubscribe from s’thing they were automatically (and without asking) a part of.

  20. mindwis3 says:


    “The Christian values” ….

    Could you run a couple of those values by me, and motivate why they are nessecarily “Christian” values.


  21. bnbalenda says:

    @SoSaCA100 Ok. Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands are on avergae 87% members of the Lutheranian Chruch, like Sweden, but does it make them Christians? No! I can sit in a garage, it won’t make me a car. The fact is that Scandinavians, just like other Europeans are not religious and they have been enlightened. They left all those dark age beliefs behind them. In countries where religion is involved, there are wars, poverty, human right violations and ignorance.Belies are evil

  22. bnbalenda says:

    @ShaundalynChic China is not on my list because it’s the 35th least religious country in the world. It is an Atheist state, but most Chinese are religious and they are Buddhists, Taoists, Jews, Christians, Muslims etc. But the Chinese government is an Atheist government and China is not a poor country. There is a first world China and there is also a third world China. South Korea is Atheist and North Koreans are oppressed by religion because they are worshipping Kim Jong Ill as a god.

  23. bnbalenda says:

    @ShaundalynChic I have been in China and let me tell you that even if China’s standard of living is lower than countries like Egypt and Tunisia, it’s still one of the most powerful economies in the world and they don’t have time for organized religion. 150 million Chinese people are from the Middle class, 5% of the Chinese earn $32,000 dollars a year. The Obama government borrows money from China because they know how powerful China is. And let me tell you that Buddhism is the main religion.

  24. ShaundalynChic says:

    @bnbalenda So you admit China is poor and atheist. Why isn’t it on your list? There is simply no way to claim SK is more atheist than NK. The ration has to be 4 or 5 to 1, NK having a much, much higher percentage. So why aren’t they on the list instead of SK? Answer it didn’t make the point you wanted to I expect.

  25. lanastompanato says:

    @bnbalenda So why did you ignore these poor atheist countries in your list? It is obvious they are more atheistic than several on your list.

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