Religion and Ruling Spirit Divided the World

Religion and ruling spirit divided the world.

Dalip Singh Wasan, Advocate.

If we have a deep study of today, we shall come to know that this world has been divided by two main forces. These two forces are (1) religion and (2) ruling spirit. The world is divided in the following religious groups:-



(3)Christians and

(4)people who do not believe in religions.

And similarly the people who want to rule they have established separate countries and they are protecting themselves and their right to rule their own area. Some countries have established democracies, but still the ruling classes are functioning on the same pattern as their forefathers had been ruling us. The are not true representatives of the people of the country they rule because they are alive with the same spirit of rajas, maharajas, monarchs and the imperialists. These politicians are a separate sets of people who have adopted this line of politicians as a profession, trade, calling and employment. They spend on election and take these investments as trade investments and once they get power, they start recollecting what they had spent on election and purchase of party tickets. Therefore, though these establishments are called democracies, actually there is nothing democratic in these establishments because they snatch away most of the wealth of the people and they become rich and powerful. Therefore, it is in their own interest that they should keep the people divided. The British government in India invented the concept of ‘divide and rule’ and even after democracy the people are being divided and that is the reason, these people are getting votes and they are ruling us. Since in each country there are elections and the people elect their rulers with their own votes, therefore, the people are now left with no other alternative but to vote after each spell of five years or more and they are invited to cast their votes and then go back to suffer for another term of five years or more.

The ruling sets of people want that the people should remain divided and that is the reason they are able to elect a cause of action. They know that people could be divided on the basis of religion and that is the reason they are dividing the people on the basis of religions. We know that even this whole world has been divided on the basis of religions and some religions are at war. One group is showing its power in direct attacks and the other group has adopted the path of indirect path. One is attacking in direct wars and the other is attacking in indirect wars i.e. the path of terrorism and we have noted that both the groups are killing innocent people who have got no interest in the people who are attacking directly and the people who are attacking indirectly.

The people of the world know these two groups and they also know that they are not in a position to have liberty from these two forces and that is the reason they remain silent. We are having such instances in our own country when fake encounters and terrorism both are functioning with speed and we have killed lacs of our own people with our own hands and we all know that the people who had been killed by these two forces were totally innocent people. But the people of India are helpless and they are not in a position to stop these two forces. And similarly the people are silent when one country is attacking another country and the people in other countries are replying through terrorism.

We have noted that both the politicians and the fundamentalists had their ways in 1947 in Hindustan when about 8,00,000people were killed and about 11,00,00,000 people had been forced to migrate and it is on record that all these deaths and all these migrations had not been noted down in history books and none spoke about the people who had been killed because of wrong decisions of the ruling classes i.e. the politicians.This 1947 tragedy could be designated as the biggest tragedy in the world, but it had been allowed to go away without notice. The people who got an opportunity to rule have repeatedly said that the independence had been got without shedding blood. This is the biggest satire on those who had been killed or who had to migrate to unknown places. So the heart of these ruling classes works like this and therefore, the people of the world should not expect anything better from these politicians.

The politicians shall keep the people divided in religions and they shall be ruling us and therefore, there are no chances that this world shall become one world with one government. The politicians would never allow the people to join in a common religion and they shall make it sure that people shall remain fighting on the basis of religions.


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