12 Responses to “Is it possible for Hinduism to become the world largest religion when India becomes the superpower?”

  1. Raptor Jaaaeyzus says:

    Definitely, it worked for christianity. I for one welcome the change.

  2. me&myname says:

    No its not possible, though India emerges as super power ! because hindus don’t have the idea of spreading their religion

  3. Brother in Arms says:

    Either that or Chinese… highly unlikely though as many Indians speak English as a common language within India.

  4. Joker says:

    Possibly, but regarding Hindi becoming a universal language, I don’t think that would be possible. English will always be a universal language if you ask me. People of all races literally speaks that language. Also, it’s spoken on almost every continent.

    Hindi is only spoken in India and in some Indian communities around the world

  5. Solas5 says:

    Most Hindus are peaceful, so they wouldn’t be converting people at the point of the sword, like the religon of peace does. They don’t have one God who has commanded them to go out and tell the god news to the world, like the truly peaceful religion does. Westerners today are getting pretty goofy and idolizing anything and everythings, which is much of what happens in Hinduism (you can take a piece of wood and decide it’s your god and worship it), but I doubt they’ll go for Hinduism when the study it in depth.

    As for India ever becoming a superpower, that won’t be any time soon; they have far too much trouble in their own land to take care of first (extreme poverty, lack of modern facilities for the masses, etc.).

  6. MOJ says:

    And cows can fly….you seem to say with confidence “when india will become superpower”.Well guess what…you would have to go through the nukes of Pakistan to get there. I wonder how far your hindu gods can protect you from radiation?

  7. Mr. Anderson says:

    Not likely within the next century. First of all Christianity is the largest religion with over 2 billion members, around a third of the worlds population and far more than Hinduism could ever hope to increase any time soon. Also India will become a superpower perhaps within the next 30-40 years but as their living standards rise and they become more westernised, their birth rates will most likely drop as can be observed in most western countries where the numbers of women going to university and entering the work force are higher which ultimately causes people to both marry and have children later; and generally less children.

  8. Person says:


    @MOJ: Lol India WILL be a superpower. And your stupid Pakistan wont be able to do shit about it. India beat yo ass in 3 wars, we got better technology. The day pakistan drops a nuke on India is the day that Pakistan gets wiped off the face of the planet. Lets see how well your pedophile Muhammed can stop you from our Nukes and guns, he hasnt helped you losers the last 3 times.

  9. Hengameh says:

    ok then what happen ?the power of religion is not because of number of people

  10. Chimu says:

    Many of you dont know, the first religion on earth was Hinduism. It is more than 5000yrs ago. These days people are getting more aware abt hinduism, as once a time it was supressed by britishers. Watch the video on youtube with topic named ‘Hinduism scientifically proved’ It is an eye opener.
    I think Bhagvat-Gita shd be taught in schools. Its really a beautiful religion.

  11. Vande Mataram DharmYodha says:

    No….China was once a superpower but everyone did not become Confucianist, Ottomon Turkey was once a superpower but everyone did not become Muslim, USA was a superpower but everyone did not become Christian. Plus Hindus are a peaceful tolerant and secular community anyways and we don’t go around marketing our religion like a business product and prostituting our religion like a whore the way Muslims and Christians do.

  12. Sunjay K says:

    No we don’t forcefully convert people because Hinduism does not say that non Hindus shall burn in hell for eternity like some other religions. But I hope Dharma prevail.

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