1. loveofthetruth2 says:

    @350sofast Amen!! Our eyes should be on Jesus Christ not man. God bless!!

  2. 350sofast says:

    after watching this, we christians need to read and follow the bible and not put our hopes in any preacher.

  3. loveofthetruth2 says:

    @xirokambi I thank God you can see & hear the truth so many refused to even look at the evidence, it truly is sad!! God bless!!

  4. xirokambi says:

    I love you bro in Christ for this video! Keep up the good work! I will use your vids on my blog, too. I have been researching Graham’s heresies for a few years now and MANY people I talk too abt this stuff, who practically worship BG, DO NOT wan to hear it!

  5. mamaschristmasbunny says:

    Ya! Billy was perfect for the people that he was preaching to, at the time. Billy Graham was used as a dupe. He really was what the establishment wanted and got.
    And I am not blinded in any love for Billy Graham. Because’ I have never been much for TV, preachers. He sold-out, yes. But he wasn’t as bad as most of the sellouts.
    That era he spoke in set the precedent for what the pulpit puts out, today. Well meaning, dupes. He probably thought he was doing right there. For my opinion of him.

  6. filoIII says:

    @mrgetrealpeople and the cult of the dead woman still has the same beliefs that it did when it murdered 50 million Christians

  7. TAZHOUSE says:

    I are supposing that I would break someones arm for preaching Islam. Read Ephesians 6.12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

  8. loveofthetruth2 says:

    As an example catholics burned protestant christians at the stake because they read the Bible in the english language, because they didn’t baptize infants, because theydidn’t worship the pope and bow down to him. So yes fake christians(catholics) were unbelievably wicked and inhumane all in the name of false christianity.

  9. loveofthetruth2 says:

    True christians would not persecute non-believers, but in the Inquisition catholics killed countless Protestants in the name of christianity for numerous reasons that did not line up with what Jesus Christ taught in the Bible. If we live by the Bible as our authority and not man we will be persecuted, but saved if we put our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior.

  10. loveofthetruth2 says:

    Also I’m not aware of the Christian faith taking kids in school and breaking their arms because they didn’t memorize scripture of the Holy Bible like Muslims do to their children.

  11. loveofthetruth2 says:

    No i would not resort to violence just because someone is misleading my child from the truth. In fact they’re doing that very thing right now in the public school with the lies of evolution and i’m not aware of christians doing violence to anyone for their false teaching. When you have the truth on your side it doesn’t matter if a muslim tries to teach his ways as long as everyone gets to hear both sides of the argument. More often than not truth seekers will choose the Bible over the koran.

  12. mrgetrealpeople says:

    His arms lol 4:04am typo……..

  13. mrgetrealpeople says:

    Don’t? get me wrong,I don’t like religions period. Question if some Moslem comes into your kid school and tries to convert you kid to Islam, what would be your reaction? Would you want to break him arms?I bet you would, how are you different then them?

  14. mrgetrealpeople says:

    Don’t get me wrong,I don’t like religions period. Question if some Moslem comes into your kid school and tries to convert you kid to Islam, what would be your reaction? Would you want to break him arms?I bet you would, how are you different them?

  15. mrgetrealpeople says:

    And christians never had a history of violence against non christians believers?

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