Communist New World Order?

International bankers funded the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, controlled both sides of the Cold war and plan on using the Communist model for their future “New World Order”. Why the Communist model? Communism is the best way to centralise the power and wealth of a nation, whilst enslaving the population at the same time. Every aspect of life is controlled, from birth til death. So is Cultural Marxism being used by International bankers to destroy national identity, the traditional family, Christianity and the values of the western world? Yes, to have a borderless world, one world religion, one world finance where everyone is controlled, then the old order must be destoyed. The Money Masters – How International Bankers Gained Control of America: THE EMPIRE OF “THE CITY” (World Superstate) part 1:

The Hidden Agenda Of The New World Order


By Michael R. Sears Copyright 2-26-09

THE FOLLOWING 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto by Carl Marx:

First Plank: Abolition of property in land and the application of all rents of land to public purposes. (Zoning – Model ordinances proposed by Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover widely adopted. Supreme Court ruled “zoning” to be “constitutional” in 1921. Private owners of property required to get permission from government relative to the use of their property. Federally owned lands are leased for grazing, mining, timber usages, the fees being paid into the U.S. Treasury.)

Second Plank: A heavy progressive or graduated incometax. (Corporate Tax Act of 1909. The 16th Amendment, allegedly ratified in 1913. The Revenue Act of 1913, section 2, Income Tax. These laws have been purposely misapplied against American citizens to this day.)

Third Plank: Abolition of all rights of inheritance. (Partially accomplished by enactment of various state and federal “estate tax” laws taxing the “privilege” of transfering property after death and gift before death.)

Fourth Plank: CONFISCATION OF THE PROPERTY OF ALL EMIGRANTS AND REBELS. (The confiscation of property and persecution of those critical – “rebels” – of government policies and actions, frequently accomplished by prosecuting them in a courtroom drama on charges of violations of non-existing administrative or regulatory laws.)

Fifth Plank: Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. (The Federal Reserve Bank, 1913- -the system of privately-owned Federal Reserve banks which maintain a monopoly on the valueless debt “money” in circulation.)

Sixth Plank: Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State. (Federal Radio Commission, 1927; Federal Communications Commission, 1934; Air Commerce Act of 1926; Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; Federal Aviation Agency, 1958; becoming part of the Department of Transportation in 1966; Federal Highway Act of 1916 (federal funds made available to States for highway construction); Interstate Highway System, 1944 (funding began 1956); Interstate Commerce Commission given authority by Congress to regulate trucking and carriers on inland waterways, 1935-40; Department of Transportation, 1966.)

Seventh Plank: Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (Depart-ment of Agriculture, 1862; Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1933 — farmers will receive government aid if and only if they relinquish control of farming activities; Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933 with the Hoover Dam completed in 1936.)

Eighth Plank: Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies especially for agriculture. (First labor unions, known as federations, appeared in 1820. National Labor Union established 1866. American Federation of Labor established 1886. Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 placed railways under federal regulation. Department of Labor, 1913. Labor-management negotiations sanctioned under Railway Labor Act of 1926. Civil Works Administration, 1933. National Labor Relations Act of 1935, stated purpose to free inter-state commerce from disruptive strikes by eliminating the cause of the strike. Works Progress Administration 1935. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, mandated 40-hour work week and time-and-a-half for overtime, set “minimum wage” scale. Civil Rights Act of 1964, effectively the equal liability of all to labor.)

Ninth Plank: Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country. (Food processing companies, with the co-operation of the Farmers Home Administration foreclosures, are buying up farms and creating “conglomerates.”)

Tenth Plank: Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production. (Gradual shift from private education to publicly funded began in the Northern States, early 1800’s. 1887: federal money (unconstitutionally) began funding specialized education. Smith-Lever Act of 1914, vocational education; Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 and other relief acts of the 1930’s. Federal school lunch program of 1935; National School Lunch Act of 1946. National Defense Education Act of 1958, a reaction to Russia’s Sputnik satellite demonstration, provided grants to education’s specialties. Federal school aid law passed, 1965, greatly enlarged federal role in education, “head-start” programs, textbooks, library books.

Most of the US media has a radical liberal agenda. Most of the US media is for free speech but only if that speech is their free speech and only if it agrees with them and their philosophy. Most of the US media are controlled by the New World Order and their “news” is like puppets with strings being pulled by the puppeteers called news anchors and reporters. This is the beginnings of socialism / communism, my friends, which is where we are headed like a run away freight train going down a 45 degree incline into a nitroglycerin factory.

They are now taking over the financial institutions and wall street. They say it is temporary, you know, sort of like the income tax was “temporary”. There are few things that they need to do now. They have most of the major medias in their pocket, except Fox and I heard them already beginning their campaign of disenfranchisement by saying Fox is nothing but a tabloid station with some news on it occasionally. They are probably sending in spies to infiltrate it and dilute it to where it can subtly become as the other government mouthpieces of communism and socialism where Euthanasia, abortion, adultery, fornication, greed, murder, and violence are allowed, many times by omission, to fill the earth, as it was in the days of Noah.

They must squelch free speech and dissent and confiscate the means for people to protect themselves. They must control the food and water supply. They already have our children in their government run brainwashing and social engineering mills called “schools”. This is why they are dead set against vouchers or home schooling, because it rids the government of the means to properly socially engineer and brain wash our children and takes this power away from the state. It makes them animals of chance rather than beings of creation and if you are just an animal with no future beyond this world, what does it matter what you do or what they do to you? Let’s party, kill, and plunder all to the rightful place of the fittest and according to our every pleasure let us delight in our delicacies for no moral law applies and there is no consequence beyond this life. The only consequence may be if we are caught and have to pay a price according to man’s laws.

I believe it is not beyond the tyranny of our government to use foreign troops or gangs to enforce their austere wickedness upon the American people and to provide a means for interment or execution of those dissenters the government deems dangerous. Massive facilities of concentration for interment already exist, awaiting the trains loaded with, not only the Jews, but any dissenter of the state—(This is like a plot from a Stephen King book, I realize, only this is reality.)

What about the illegal aliens they are purposely letting in? Are they on an intended and planned course for the destruction of America and for chaos? They love chaos, let us not forget, for by chaos they can advance their lock down of control, new laws, gun confiscation, free speech removal, and move toward their planned goal of absolute rule and control.

To quote Hillary Clintons favorite book (Brave New World). “Everyone belongs to everyone else.” The social classes are starkly defined so that there is no mistake, in fact engineered as such, so take some soma and relax and get with the NWO program. I guess that’s why it takes a village. Well, the NWO rules do not apply to the elite, of course, for they are the upper Alphas, not the lower castes. The rules are just for the common peons and imbeciles called the common folks. They have no capacity to think for themselves anyway and this is partially true, especially after public education has raped and brain washed them. Now the state must think for them, feed them, clothe them, and send them to their specified duties, many of which (about 40% now) have no other paid duty except to vote in those same charlatans they think are great leaders in order to maintain their socialistic state and their assurance of perpetuated “free” funds, food, and housing rolling in monthly. This frees them up to do other important family things like deal drugs and rob others to supplement their incomes, thus more chaos to make more laws and rules from and take away more freedoms.

They are already taxing us beyond our means and are going to impose upon us many more taxes, direct and indirect, along with a plethora of licensing fees for every task in the name of protecting the public. They have their greasy fingers on the knobs controlling the banks and gasoline and the stock market indirectly. They use the “Fed”, which is not federal in any way but is an INTERNATIONAL group of bankers with no loyalty to any country but the filthy lucre they trade for men’s souls. They just want to load up the mules to almost the point of breaking their backs, but not break them and if they, perchance, may break many mules backs, they can always get new ones without much trouble. They’re just expendable mules anyway.

The whole bail out / Nationalization scam is to withdraw their money from their bank which is the bank of the people’s pockets and put it into their coffers to fund these last days projects orchestrated by the devil himself.

They may even have a race war planned for the near future, as this causes chaos and they can really run in a grab things in such chaos and they usually have the gall to name those new sets of rules or laws passed as a consequence exactly the opposite from what they stand for, such as The Patriot Act and now The Fairness Doctrine with new gigantic bureaucratic agencies they can form to suck up more money like a black hole (Homeland Security, all types of Czars over all types of things, etc.). They are coming forth like mushrooms in a dark cave. I don’t even want to mention what the trigger for a race war might be, but you can use your imagination, if it hasn’t been fried in the crucible of our educational Reich.


The few things remaining for them to do:

1. They must control or discredit Fox and other conservative news sources —– They want to make people believe Fox is a tabloid station. They are on a campaign now to demonize it. They are calling those who descent HATE TALKERS, like something from a George Orwell book or better yet a Stephen King novel, which would be more accurate.

2. They must control talk radio —– Institute the “fairness” doctrine. They are actively trying to do this now.

3. They must control the internet —- This is a tough one, but it may be no match for the evil minds now aided by Satanic forces themselves. They have already talked about taxing each e-mail we send. They could tax it, which is what they want to do badly and could bring in much revenue, as they are greedy gangsters that can never have enough of our blood money. They would sell their own mother for their own comfort. They have already given the government (NSA) complete ability to monitor at will this medium. They may just pretend to keep it open as a form of intelligence to be able to track people down that are dissenting against them.

4. Squelch any free speech efforts –first amendment: They are now successfully doing this with any dissenters. They demonize them, call them hate talkers, or attack them like they did ole Joe the plumber.

5. Gun freedoms — This one has been done away with for years now. Now they want to get all the guns from everyone, not just control who can carry them. By the way, the criminals will have guns no matter what the law says because they are LAW BREAKERS anyway. Gun laws are always against law abiding citizens, not criminals, although this is the lame excuse they always use. In the places where the most stringent gun bans exist are the places that have the MOST gun violence. The places were law abiding citizens are allowed to carry firearms, the crime rate is much lower—–Duh? What part of this do they not get or do they get it but want the firearms so they can come and get us when and where they want without having their asses blown in half.

6. Taxes — more and more—-this is what the planned and orchestrated bail outs are all about. Bailouts to get taxes from us to give to the international bankers and all their buddies. Taxes —-more and more so they can make us where all we do is work and pay them our money so we can be better controlled and not ever allowed to get to the point of being ahead a little to encourage some entrepreneurial spirit and let us maybe have our own little business for us and our families — oh no, that won’t ever do for them, as they want our blood too and don’t care who they have to abort, euthanise, make laws against, rob, rape, and murder. They already take our money when we die and give it to themselves rather than letting our children rightfully inherit it. They don’t look at the years and years some poor soul who had to live like a pauper and sacrifice until they began to be successful and make good revenues due to their hard work and sacrifice. No they don’t even consider that, do they? They only look at what they are making right now and want to take most of that.

I see adds every day of law firms saying how they will get between you and the IRS and how they can get the IRS to reduce the fantastic amounts you owe, etc. Since when did we have to hire lawyers to fight some stupid government agency who is acting like a thief toward us and robbing us of our money. We shouldn’t have to hire any lawyers to protect us against this Gestapo like agency that has such broad powers as to be able with the stroke of a pen to take everything we own and even incarcerate us for years. This is no longer America. It has been taken over by thieves, scoundrels, liars, murderers, and thugs. It has become mafia like and has no respect for our constitution, bill of rights, or even common human decency. They are treasonous imposters who are communists and socialists and have taken over our government. Welcome to the New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum) This Latin term is on your dollar bill and has come to fruition.

7. Control the food and water supplies. They now want to tax your ground water from your private well. This has been discussed. Next they will want to tax pond water. Don’t laugh. There are now laws on the books also, against “hording” food.

8. New laws are coming down the pike that will make our now ridiculous ones look like reasonable ones, like a tax on how many miles you drive, on how big your “carbon footprint” is, on how much plastic you buy………..use your imagination.

9. Distract people with entertainment, sports, and TV. Why do you think that the government is funding every “Americans” right to have viable TV in their home? It is a mighty propaganda and brain washing tool owned mostly by the NWO. The TV may even be capable now of looking and listening into your own home.

10. Distract and deceive people with religion, not Christianity, which is totally different from man’s religions, which include most of the “ism’s”. The news media continually has religion reports and brainwashes the world into thinking that this dismal display of effeminate, whitewashed dogma dressed in costumes supposedly portraying Christ’s kingdom or dressed in a prosperity doctrine is Christianity. It is the furthermost thing from it. Most of the world does not know what Christianity really is and means. Many of the false teachings and religions can be found on your TV. Religions are also many organizations parading and charading as innocuous peace loving do gooders such as the Masons and Shrinners. Outright idolatrous cults exist such as Mormonism, Muslimism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others. Some claim to be Christian and these are the worse, since they say they are for Christ and yet, have idols they worship and a man they look to whose word supposedly comes from God who sits on a throne made of gold and jewels. (Read Revelation 17).

11. Last but definitely not least is Israel. The Jews are the original chosen people of Elohim and are the writers of the Tenach (old testament) and the New Testament. They are the sole writers. Our modern day bible was 100% written by Jews. Our bible is a 100% Jewish book. The Saviour of the world, Yahushua Ha Masheah (Jesus Christ) came from this chosen people. Satan hates the Jews for these reasons more than any other people. Satan hates mankind and wants his complete destruction, but especially the Jews.

The desire for the destruction of Israel by Satanic forces is increasing. His time is close. The Bulls of Bashan now encompass Israel all about and are waiting to rush in and gore it to death. America seems to be a major obstacle standing in the way. After America is taken out of the way, Russia and the Muslim nations will come against Israel, but will not destroy it. Their bodies will lie upon the mountains of Jerusalem and it will take seven months to bury them. America seems to not even be mentioned during this time. America is right now leaning away from Israel. America has proposed 900 million dollars to re-build Gaza. This money will go directly to Hamas, of course. Is the present administration pro-Moslem or worse yet, Moslem? Does the present administration hate Israel? America’s prosperity is directly tied to Israel and its destruction may be, as well.


When writing this last thing on the list, my computer was suddenly taken over by someone else and they erased this number 11, which I had not yet saved and then closed down the MS application I was on. I had to get back on it and asked Elohim to help me remember it all, which I did. Reminds me of the scripture: 2 Corinthians 10: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (that is not physical–you know like tanks, jets, carriers, computer genuises, NSA programs, NWO manipulation, etc.), but are mighty (not weak like their physical weapons), through Elohim (God) to the pulling down of strongholds. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim….”

If they are able to do these few things, they can fully put the blind fold on, not us, but them, and lead them to the cliff. We are getting there quickly now. They have stepped up their march and see their goal ahead on the mountain.

Some lady on Air Force One the other day stated that if you opened up Obama there would be a little Buddha inside.

We need to answer the question of who are “THEY”?

They are those who believe in the New World Order and are against freedom and for the destruction of the constitution and are against Christianity and are for abortion and homosexuality. They are those who hate Judaism and Christianity and love other religions including humanism, Darwinism, Science falsely so called, socialism, communism, and many other “ism’s”. They are those who espouse socialism and communism and call it by other names. They are those who hate the first and second amendment especially and hate Christians and Jews particularly. They are the wicked and evil ones who do not have any idea that they are evil and wicked and do not understand. They are the wicked that Daniel speaks of in Daniel 12: “…but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.” The wise are the Christians and Jews who have the Holy Spirit in them and live by the Tenach and / or the New Testament.

I would like to leave you with this thought: II Thessalonians 2: “Now we beseech you brethren by the coming of Yahushua Ha Masheah (our Lord Jesus Christ) and by our gathering together unto him, that you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Yahusha (Christ) is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he as God sits in the temple of God showing himself that he is God. Remember that when I (Paul) was with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity does already work, only he who now lets will let, (Elohim), until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that lawless one be revealed, who the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause Elohim (God) shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness…..” Read also Romans 1, to go along with this.


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Freelance writer for HVACR News for two years with regular column.
Inventor with several patented inventions.
Writing for many years.

The Logistical Problems of a New World Order

Lately, the news has come in flooding waves for me. The election, bailouts, and endlessly horrible employment news have washed over me, and left a sort of numb feeling in place of my usual optimism. Capitalism seems to have died a death at the hands of worldwide greed, and I am left shaking my head at a growing list of casualties. That’s just the domestic scene. When I take a look at the sprawling, worldwide chaos, the picture becomes even darker.

India is considering a strike against Pakistan. Israel is weighing strikes against both Iran and Syria. The United States faces an impending disaster in Afghanistan, pondering the age old old question “Should I stay or should I go?”. Then, there is the Cold War posturing that Russia has rediscovered of late. They have reinserted themselves into the international conversation once again, in a very aggressive manner.

We are seeing substantial devaluation across currencies worldwide, and some of it is intentional. For instance, the Chinese have devalued the yuan to keep their exports competitive, even as consumption drops in the Western world.The Russian ruble has been dying a slow, agonizing death for months now. Its prospects against the dollar have fallen by 30%, and show no signs of hitting a solid bottom. Iceland is on the verge of anarchy, due to the insolvency of the krona, and the resulting anger at the government’s perceived culpability.

Instability is the only constant worldwide, with the occasional sprinkling of outright implosion. In all this, the cry from the international -and domestic- communities is a global solution. It makes sense, to a certain degree. Ockham’s razor would naturally deem that a problem of global scope should be paired with a solution of the same depth. While I generally have no qualms with the theory. that “All things being equal, the simplest solution is the best”, I believe Mssr.Ockham would think twice before applying his philosophy to international crises.

I can hear some of you who fervently wish for world peace asking “Why? I mean, isn’t it time we put aside our differences, our Nationalism, and our borders? Isn’t now the best time to embrace our fellow man, and weather this crisis as a member of the human race.” That is an admirable sentiment. Let us examine the logistical issues inherent in the adoption of global governance (née government).

Let’s start with the chosen form of Government: You’ve got your Monarchies, Theocracies, Democracies, Benevolent Dictatorships, Technocracies, and all forms of Socialist variants in-between. Now, you want people with diametrically opposed ideals to come to a consensus on how the world should be run. This could be done, but all parties would have to agree to binding resolutions that may or may not contradict the Constitutions adopted by the inhabitants of their respective countries. If this is done, then you wipe out another hurdle that presents itself: National Sovereignty.

That one is a doozy, because it wipes out the individualism of nations. Sure, you may keep your cute, cultural idiosyncracies. You’ll still wear lederhosen, a Sikh’s turban,or the tartan kilt passed down to you by your grandfather. What will disappear are the laws you have been accustomed to following your whole life. For someone in the United States,it would be the obliteration of State’s rights. Want to legalize medical marijuana in your state? It has to be approved by the governing body for the entire world, and the legal code of the entire world must be amended, just so your Granny with glaucoma can get access. Want to appeal an unjust judgment? You get to go through various levels of an internationally appointed judiciary. All of your local decisions are subject to the whims of an international body. Even if their motives are completely pure (unlikely at best), the system still leaves ample room for corruption and vast inefficiency.

What about handling issues of equality? There’s a sticky situation. While they could handle the issue of dominant nations by giving them preferential seats in the new government, it would still provoke the criticism of the rest of the governing body. Nobody really cares for the UN model of government, as they merely pass guidelines, not binding legislation. They draft resolutions with all the legal enforcibility of “the gentleman’s handshake”. The smaller nations want equal voice with the US, China, and Russia. This would have to be remedied, in order for the smaller nations to agree to surrender their sovereignty. Larger nations would have to eat some national pride, and swallow the bitter pill of decreased international relevance. In short, there had better be some kind of “Supreme Leader” in charge to smooth the ruffled feathers. How are they going to come to agreement on appointing the Emperor of the Planet? These people can’t even agree on which form of government is best. This, is only minor squabbling compared to…

Religion. In a government made up of diverse population, and differing views on what is “the only true way to God”, how do you keep one religion from being imposed on all the others. Most Christians look on Constantine’s misguided reign as a horrible time for their religion. A forced conversion to a state(or world) religion would be many times worse than the rule of any Roman emperor in times past. Far worse than that would be the travesty of forced parity between all religions. This is a freedom of speech issue. The Muslim would not be able to declare “Allahu Akhbar(god is greater)”, because it is contrary to parity. The Christian could not declare “Jesus is the Son of God”, because it contradicts the statements of Islam and Judaism. The follower of Judaism could not declare “Hear, oh Israel, the Lord is One”, because it devalues the claims of Hinduism. This is the primary obstacle for a global government, and one that will remain a vexing issue, should they choose either of the options previously discussed.

Financially, the problem of switching to a universal currency like the Euro is easily on its way to being solved. I only mention it as an afterthought. Physical currency would not even have to be minted. Well, maybe for developing nations. For the developed world, one would turn into a society like the Japanese have: A relatively cashless society, where you can pay with your cell phone, or credit card. Most of the groundwork, trading, and information systems are already in place to facilitate such an exchange. Your old currency would simply be given an exchange rate. There would be a one-time trade in, and the destruction of all other currencies would commence shortly thereafter. Problem solved.

While global government is inevitable, the challenges that face it are almost insurmountable. This ensures that it will be poorly implemented, poorly received, and roundly declared a triumph of humanity. The solutions, however, are unable to be solved by Mr. Ockham. You know, “All things being equal, the simplest solution is best”, and all that. The problem lies in the fact that neither of his premises can be applied here: In the world of international politics, nothing is simple. The other problem is more adequately explained by a paraphrase of George Orwell. He had this to say “All animals (nations) are equal, but some animals (nations) are more equal than others.”

Kurt Hartman is Head of Employee Training for Mobile Fleet Service, Inc. They sell tires to the mining, construction and heavy equipment industries. As a complimentary service, they offer tire specifications to the OTR Tire industry.

A Surprising New World Order is About to Start

A Surprising New World Order is about to start.

Our world will soon (as in years rather than decades), be facing a global crisis which will herald its end.

The Bible as a Guide

The people behind this article:

We take the Bible as our only rule. After having devoted considerable time to its study, especially chapters referring to our future, we have realized that we must share with you what we have learned. This knowledge is of utmost importance.

Why do you take the Bible so seriously?

Because we discovered how accurate it is – so accurate, that even predictions made thousands of years earlier occurred in the very day foretold, to the very letter. This

has compelled us to conclude that there is an all-knowing God behind the Bible, who is not bound by time and knows the end from the beginning.

We would not have taken the Bible so seriously if God had not demonstrated such complete control and knowledge of the future. This mastery is revealed

most clearly in two books:Daniel in the Old Testament and The Revelation in the New


Fulfilled Bible Prophecies

An example of a fulfilled prediction

In the book of Daniel, chapter 2, God outlined in a dream to the Babylonian king that from his time until the end of time, the world would witness only four world empires. History has proved what God pre-ordained. The four world empires were:

Babylon (605 BC-538 BC),

Medo-Persia (538 BC-331 BC),

Greece (331 BC-168 BC), and

Rome (168 BC-476 AD).

He further revealed that Rome would be split into ten territories and that in the time of these territories the end will come. History is proving the accuracy of God’s word: Rome was divided into ten nations from which present-day Europe has emerged.

See Daniel 7 & 8.

The purpose of the Bible prophecies

It is to warn us about future crises in order to save us:

e.g. God warned Noah of the coming flood. People had to obey the warning in faith.

A Most Fearful and Solemn Warning


The most solemn prophetic warning is yet to be fulfilled. Today, there is nothing more

important for us to understand than this prophecy because events are taking place in rapid

succession indicating its imminent fulfillment.

Please read Revelation 14:9-12.

The fearful warning in the above passage describes two groups of people.

The first group is heading to receive the mark of the beast; while the second group is viewed positively as keeping the commandments of God. Furthermore, the description of

the second coming of Christ directly follows this warning. Therefore, we know that this is

the last warning given before the second coming of Christ.

How to avoid worshipping the beast and his image and receiving his mark

To know this, we need to identify the beast, the image of the beast, and the mark of the beast. It is only reasonable to assume that God would not warn us about such dangerous entities without helping us to identify them in a conclusive way.

Identifying the Beast

Bible Description of This Beast

Please read Revelation 13: 1-8, 16-18.

The above passage is full of symbols. How to understand it?

We need to allow the Bible to interpret its own symbols. We should expect that God, for our benefit, would reveal within the Bible the meaning of these symbols. The Bible defines its own symbols;
e.g. the book of Revelation contains 404 verses of which 278 are found almost

word for word in other books in the Bible, where their meaning is expounded.

Which symbols do we need to unlock to identify the beast and his mark?

The necessary ones are: ‘beast’, ‘dragon’, ‘sea’, ‘forty-two months’, and ‘blasphemy’.

Beast: In Bible prophecy, a beast is a symbol of a king or kingdom: See Daniel 7:17, 23.

With this beast, we are studying a unique kingdom, for it is not only a political power but a religious one as well, because people ‘worshipped the beast’.


Dragon: According to the Bible, the dragon is another name for Satan, the father of lies and deceptions. When Satan gives “his power, and his seat, and great authority” to the beast, we can expect the beast to behave in the same deceptive ways of Satan. Thus, a great deal of deception will be found in the affairs of the beast. Rev. 12:9; 13:2.

Sea: In Bible prophecy, sea is symbol of a multitude of many different people. Rev.17:15. Accordingly, this unique kingdom or power rose out of the sea, signifying that it came out of a location that was densely populated with different nationalities of people.

Forty-two months: This period is equivalent to three and a half years (42 divided by 12 months). And the Bible was written based on the Jewish calendar where every Jewish ear is of 360 days (30 days for each month). So, three and a half years and forty-two

months are both equal to 1260 days. The reason why we are changing the months to their

equivalent in days is that when God gave time prophecies, He often equated a day for a year: “I have appointed thee each day for a year.” Ezekiel 4:6.

Therefore, the forty-two prophetic months imply a period of 1260 years during which the beast was given, a “mouth speaking great things and blasphemies” and would “make war with the saints…and power was given him …” Rev. 13:5, 7, meaning that during this period the beast would blaspheme, persecute Christians, and have great


Blasphemy: In the Bible, blasphemy is defined in two ways. The first is when a person claims to be God or His representative: See John 10:33. The beast, this religio-political

power and kingdom, has blasphemed God by pretending to be in the place of God on earth. The second way of committing blasphemy is by granting absolutions (claiming the power to forgive the sins of others): See Mark 2:7.

The beast, this religio-political power and kingdom, has blasphemed God by claiming the right of absolution. No wonder the beast has the “name of blasphemy” and speaks “blasphemy against God”; this is because the beast claims powers that are

the sole prerogative of God. Rev. 13:1, 6.

Nine Key Marks

Having allowed the Bible to unlock the meaning of its own symbols, we can now highlight the nine major identifying marks of the beast to determine which power in history fulfills these features.

1. The beast combines religious and political powers simultaneously: “They worshipped the beast.” Rev. 13:4.

2. The beast came to power in a densely populated area of the world: “I…saw a beast rise up out of the sea.” Rev. 13:1.

3. The beast obtained its power and authority from Satan: “The dragon gave him [the beast] his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Rev. 13:2.

4. The beast ruled ruthlessly, possessing absolute dominating power for 1260 years.

See Rev. 13:5, 3, 7.

5. The beast persecuted Christians during the 1260 years. Rev. 13:7.

6. The beast will fully recover from its ‘deadly wound’ and the world will marvel after it: Rev. 13:3.

7. The beast has a mysterious 666 number that identifies his office and name. Rev. 13:18.

8. The beast blasphemes by claiming to be God and granting absolutions (the power to forgive sins of others).

9. The beast made other blasphemous claims too, undertaking actions that are God’s exclusive prerogative. Rev. 13:5.

There is but one power in history which fulfills all the identifying marks: The Roman Catholic Church. This Church is the beast which God, out of love, is warning us of.

It is not the purpose of this article to attack Roman Catholics, but to reveal the truth about the Catholic system. Rev. 13:2.

Historical evidence and facts for this conclusion

1. The Roman Catholic Church combines religious and political powers simultaneously:

Apostle John saw this union in a prophetic vision concerning the fourth and final kingdom of the world and described it as, “a woman sit[ting] upon a scarlet coloured beast.” Rev. 17:3.

In the Bible, a woman is a symbol of a church. See Jeremiah 3:20; 2Corinthians 11:2. In addition, it is unanimously understood in prophecy that a beast is a nation. Even in today’s world, nations are symbolized as beasts. The USA is seen as an eagle, Russia is

likened unto a bear, etc. Many years ago, God unveiled to Daniel all the world empires until the end of time. In a vision, Daniel saw the last beast to be “diverse from all the others.” Daniel 7:19. But how would it be diverse? According to Revelation 17:3, as seen

above, this beast (nation) will have a woman (church) ruling it. Today, is there a church

and state working together as one globally recognized power? The only entity in the world that has accomplished this is the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic

pope is absolute religious leader of over one billion followers world-wide.

“The Roman Pontiff, as the successor of Peter, is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the whole company of the faithful.” Vatican Council II (1962-65).

“Every cleric must obey the Pope, even if he commands what is evil; for no one may judge the Pope.” Pope Innocent III (1198-1216).

Simultaneously, the pope is king over an independent nation: “Vatican City”. The Vatican is a distinct sovereign miniature nation, although within Italy. Thus, the papacy is a unique power combining religious and civil power.

2. The Roman Catholic Church came to power in a densely populated area of the world, amidst the various powers and nations of Europe.

3. The history of the Roman Catholic Church is full of deception:

Informed Catholics readily confirm forgeries as a way of life for the popes. Hans Kung, a

Catholic priest and theologian who was a consultant to the Second Vatican Council 1962-1965), stated that as early as the fifth century, the popes “decisively extended their power with explicit forgeries.” The Catholic Church: A Short History (translated by John owden), p. 61. One of the best examples is the document Donation of Constantine, dated March 30, 315 AD, which the Roman Catholic Church forged to extend her power and authority. For details of this information see In 1440, this document was proved forged by a papal aide called Lorenzo Valla.

Pope calls for a new world order:

“VATICAN CITY (AP) – Pope John Paul II rang in the New Year on Thursday with a renewed call for… the creation of a new world order based on respect for the dignity of man and equality among nations.” Thursday, January 1, 2004.

Posted: 9:21 AM EST (1421GMT). “The great over-riding feature of the entire system of the Anti-Christ – the New World Order – is blatant deceit. In fact, New World Order writers boast of their planned deceptions, because they arrogantly believe … that only the New World Order Planners know what is best for the world, and they have determined that they can achieve their goals only by deliberate deception of the poor masses.” Bill Cooper, “Behold A Pale Horse,” p.49.

4. The Roman Catholic Church ruled ruthlessly for 1260 years, having absolute dominion over other nations. This period has a clear starting point, and a ‘deadly wound’ at its end:

The Roman Catholic Church received its deadly wound in 1798 when Pope Pius VI was taken prisoner in France at the behest of Napoleon. “In 1798 General Berthier made his entrance into Rome, abolished the papal government, and established a secular one.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 1941 edition. Having established the end of the prophecy to be 1798, going back 1260 years, we arrive at 538 AD. For the papacy to fulfill this identifying mark, an important event must have occurred in 538 AD to mark the start of the 1260-year period. Historical evidence reveals that in 533 AD the Roman Emperor Justinian recognized the pope’s ecclesiastical supremacy as ‘head’ of all the churches in both east and west of the Roman Empire. However, it was not until 538 AD when the papacy was effectively freed from its last Arian opponent, the Ostrogoths (who were at that time ruling Italy), did the pope emerge as the leading figure in the West. Thus, in 538 AD the stage was set for the gradual but steady ascendancy of the papacy.

“Vigilius…ascended the papal chair (538 A.D.) under the military protection of

Belisarius.” History of the Christian Church, Vol. 3, p. 327. As the papacy increased

in power, she subjugated not only her followers but also the rulers and kings of Europe. To that end, the popes issued several papal bulls to bolster their authority over the kings of Europe: “It is the office of the papacy to tread under foot kings and emperors.” J.H.

Ignaz Dollinger, The Pope and the Council, (London), p. 35. In the papal bull of Pope Gregory XI, dated 1372 AD, and entitled In Coena Domini, the pope pronounced papal dominion over the entire Christian world, secular and religious, and excommunicated all who failed to obey the popes and to pay them taxes. This papal bull was confirmed by subsequent popes and, in 1568 AD, Pope Pius V vowed that it was to remain an eternal law. A practical demonstration of the above assertion was the treatment of Pope Gregory VII in 1077 AD to King Henry IV, Emperor of Germany. When the king appeared to disregard the pope’s authority, the pope ex-communicated and dethroned him. Henry decided to make peace with the pope and crossed the Alps in mid-winter to humble himself. When he reached the pope’s castle, Henry was made to wait for permission to see the pope in the outer court, bare-footed, with his head uncovered,

and dressed in a miserable dress. It took the king three days of fasting and confession before the pope pardoned him. Today, this claim of supremacy over leaders of the world continues to be upheld by the papacy: “The First See [papacy of Rome] is judged by no one. It is the right of the Roman Pontiff himself alone to judge…those who hold the highest civil office in a state…There is neither appeal nor recourse against a decision or decree of the Roman Pontiff.” The Code of Canon Law.

5. The Roman Catholic Church persecuted Christians during the 1260-year period: During this period of history (also known as the Middle Ages), the Roman Catholic Church held a strong sway over Europe, and every citizen was required to be a Roman Catholic. Anything short of total submission to the pope was punishable by torture or death. This led the Roman Catholic system to become one of the most persecuting religions the world has ever known, according to Vicars of Christ: the Dark Side of the

papacy, by Peter de Rosa, p. 180.

“For professing faith contrary to the Church of Rome, history records the martyrdom of more than one hundred million people.” Brief Bible Readings, p. 16.

“We must rank the Inquisition… as among the darkest blots on record of mankind.” Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, vol. 4, p. 78.

6. The Roman Catholic Church will fully recover from its ‘deadly wound’ and the whole world will wonder after it:

When Pope Pius VI died in captivity in France in 1799, the world expected an end to the Roman Catholic Church. However, God told us, about 2000 years ago, that the beast would recover from its deadly wound. Here is how the New York Times reported the healing of the beast, the papacy:


Rome, June 7.— From 11 o’clock this morning there was another sovereign independent State in the world. At that time Premier Mussolini …exchanged with Cardinal Gasparri, Papal Secretary of State, representing Pope Pius XI, ratifications of the treaties signed at the Lateran Palace on Feb. 11. By that simple act the sovereign independent State of Vatican City came into existence.” New York Times, July 7, 1929. Does the world today ‘wonder’ after the papacy, as the Bible predicted? “The best way to honor Pope John Paul II, truly one of the great men, is to take his teaching seriously; is to listen to his words and put his words and teachings into action here

in America. This is a challenge we must accept.” President George W. Bush, March 21, 2001. “Pope John Paul II is one of the greatest moral and spiritual leaders of this century.” Billy Graham in the Saturday Evening Post, Jan-Feb. 1980. “Pope John Paul II celebrates outdoor mass in Spanish for over million people in Mexico City.” The newYork Times, Jan 25, 1999. “There is no doubt that Paul VI, together with John XXIII and John Paul II, will be remembered as the three great Popes of Peace, pioneer of a momentous transcendence of the Catholic Church into the New Age.” Robert Muller, former U.N. Assistant Secretary General.

7. The Roman Catholic Church has the mysterious number 666:

The official title of the pope is “Vicarius Filii Dei”, which translated is, “Representative of the Son of God”. To confirm, the Catholic newspaper Our Sunday Visitor of April 18, 1915 wrote: “The engraved letter on the pope’s Mitre is as follows: ‘Vicarius Filii Dei'”. Since in Latin certain letters have numerical values, we only need to add them up to come to 666.

8. The Roman Catholic Church blasphemes by claiming to be God and granting absolutions:

“We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.” Pope Leo XIII, in an Encyclical letter, dated June 20, 1894. “The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ, hidden under a veil of flesh.” The Catholic National, July 1895. “But the supreme teacher in the Church is the Roman Pontiff… [who] requires …complete submission and obedience of will… as to God Himself.” Pope Leo XIII, the Great Encyclical Letters, p. 193. The Roman Catholic Church created a vast ‘market’ on

earth for a unique kind of merchandise, for which she had no competitors and unquenchable demand. She claimed that she had the right to sell God’s grace, His free act of forgiveness, to the sinners. To this day, this blasphemous power, maintains the power to forgive sins. “This judicial authority will even include the power to forgive sin.” The Catholic Encyclopaedia Vol. 12, Article “Pope”, p. 265.

9. The Roman Catholic Church made other blasphemous claims too by undertaking actions belonging only to God:

Some samples: “The priest has the power of the keys, or the power of delivering sinners from hell, of making them worthy of paradise, and of changing them from the slaves of Satan into the children of God. And God himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of his priests…The Sovereign Master of the universe only follows the servant by confirming in heaven all that the latter decides upon earth.” Liguori, “Dignity and Duties of the Priest”, pp. 27, 28. “Thus the priest may, in a certain manner, be called the creator of his Creator, since by saying the words of the consecration, he creates, as it were, Jesus in the sacrament, by giving him a sacramental existence, and produces him as a victim to be offered to the eternal Father…The power of the priest, is the power of the divine person; for the trans-substantiation of the bread requires as much power as the creation of the world.” Saint Bernadine of Sienna. “Priests are the saviors of the world.” Saint Jerome. As for her blasphemous actions, the Roman Catholic Church has committed the most blasphemous act of all. She altered the very law of God – the Ten Commandments. She dared to cancel the second commandment altogether, for it condemned her practices and rituals. And worse, she changed the day of worship in the fourth commandment from Saturday to Sunday. This was done although God gave Adam this perpetual command at creation and has confirmed it to us: “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.” Psalm 89:34. The Ten Commandments are the only portion of the Bible that was uttered by God’s voice in the presence of a congregation.

And God wrote them with His own finger and handed them to Moses: “These words [The Ten Commandments] the Lord spake unto all your assembly…and he added no more. And he wrote them in two tables of stone…” Deuteronomy 5:22. Christ further” rel=””>stressed the immutability of the Ten Commandments when He said: “It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.” Luke 16:17. Christ further confirmed: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” Matthew 5:17, 18. T h e Catholic Church is not ashamed that she changed the day of worship. In fact, she takes pride in this action, and regards it as her ‘mark’ of authority and superiority over other churches and religions. “The Sabbath, the best known day of the law, was changed into the Lord’s day. These and others have not ceased because of instructions received from Christ, (because he himself says, I have not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it), but because due to the authority of the church they ave been changed.” Archbishop of Rheggio, Sermon on 1-18-1562, Mansi XXIII, p. 526. “The Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its claim for sacredness can be defended only on Catholic authority… In Holy Scripture from the beginning to the end we find not one single text which justifies the transfer of the weekly public worship service from the last to the first day of the week.” Catholic Press, Sidney, 8-25-1900. According to the Roman Catholic Church, ‘Sunday’ is their distinct and distinguished mark of authority.

“Sunday is our mark of authority. The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact.” The Catholic Record, London, Ontario, September 1, 1923. “The observance of Sunday by Protestants is an homage hey pay, inspite of themselves, to the authority of the (Catholic) Church.” Plain Talk About the Protestantism of Today, by Monsignor Segur, p. 213. “Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act… a mark of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters.” Office of Cardinal Gibbons, through Chancellor C. F. Thomas, Nov. 11, 1895. From the overwhelming weight of evidence, we can decisively

conclude that the beast of Revelation 13 & 14 is the Roman Catholic Church, and that its mark (the mark of the beast) is Sunday observance.

Why is this mark so important? Only by signing is a document authenticated. Government declarations must always bear an official mark or seal. An official seal

or signature must include three features:

1. The name of the official

2. The title of the official

3. The territory or domain of his authority

Looking to the Almighty Creator, we realize that He has a Heavenly Kingdom. and the document containing the law of His Kingdom is The Ten Commandments. Looking directly in the midst of them you will find the seal of the living God! “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea…” Exodus 20:11.

Notice the three distinct features:

1. Name: THE LORD ( “I am the Lord: that is my name.” Isaiah 42:8.) 2. Title: REATOR (“the LORD made”) 3. Territory: HEAVEN AND EARTH (“Heaven and earth”) Clearly, the seal of the Creator is found in the Sabbath commandment of His law.

Identifying the Image of the Beast

To be able to identify the image of the beast, we need first to identify the two-horned beast that helps in the formation of the image. Please read Rev 13:11-12, 14-17.

This two-horned beast has the following identification marks:

1. It came into existence around the time the papacy received its deadly wound in1798: “another beast coming up.”Rev. 13:11.

2. It came up out of the earth, as opposed to the first beast that came up out of the sea. If ‘sea’ represents many people and nations, then ‘earth’ represents a sparsely settled region.

3. It has two lamb-like horns. According to the Bible, a horn represents power. “He had

horns…and there was the hiding of his power.” Habakkuk 3:4. Therefore, this nation has two separate powers, distinct from each other. Also, a lamb is a symbol of Christ; hence, we can deduce that this nation was founded on pure and noble Christian principles.

4. However, it speaks like a dragon; a nation ‘speaks’ through legislative and judicial

authorities. The “lamb-like horns” and “dragon’s voice” point a striking contrast between the peaceful professions and the practices of this nation.

Which nation fulfils these identifying marks? There is but one: The United States of America.

1. USA came into existence around 1798. Only one nation was rising into existence at the time of the papacy’s loss of power in 1798. This prophecy points directly to the nited

States. The USA was organized under the Constitution as a federal republic in 1787.

2. USA arose in a sparsely populated land: The USA grew not in the Old World which was crowded with its teeming multitudes, but in the New World, with its relatively few inhabitants.

3. USA has two separate powers founded on Christian principles: The USA has a unique form of government, where church and state enjoy liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. Because of this system of government, the USA is indeed a Republic (a kingdom without king) and Protestant (church without pope), with both powers completely separated. Also, her lamb-like qualities made the USA a refuge for the persecuted and oppressed of many nations.

4. USA speaks like a dragon: The fundamental law of the USA written in its constitution guarantees individual liberty of conscience. Nothing is dearer or

more fundamental. However, the USA has already begun to and will soon fully repudiate every principle of its Constitution. And that which gives greater significance to this movement is the fact that the principal object is the enforcement of Sunday observance.

Such action will be directly contrary to the principles of this government. The

Constitution provides that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The inconsistency of such action is no greater than is represented in the symbol. It is the beast with lamblike horns – in profession pure and harmless – that speaks as a dragon. Just observing what is occurring in the news and in the recent past will confirm this biblical description. “Our priority is our faith.” George W. Bush, Greensboro, North Carolina, October. 10, 2000, quoted from Jacob Weinberg, “The Complete Bushisms.” “The plain message conveyed by the new administration is that George W. Bush’s America is a Christian nation and that non-Christians are welcome into the tent so long as they agree to accept their status as a tolerated minority rather than as fully equal citizens.” Alan M. Dershowitz, in “Bush Starts Off by Defying the Constitution,”

Los Angeles Times, January 24, 2001.

Prophecy soon to be Fulfilled

It is clear the two-horned beast is the USA. But what is the relationship between the USA and the image of the beast?

Although the USA was founded on principles opposed to the papacy, today we observe how the USA and the Vatican are working more closely together to make their influence more prominent. The Bible tells us that one day, in the not too distant future, the USA will legislate a law requiring its citizens, and then the world, to worship the first beast, the papacy. “And he [USA] exerciseth all the power of the first beast [papacy] before him, and causeth the earth [first USA, then globally] and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast [honoring papacy’s Sunday], whose deadly wound [1798] was healed [1929]…saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast [duplicating the papacy when she used civil power to enforce religious dogma], which had the wound by a sword, and did live.” Rev. 13:12, 14. Soon the USA will renounce its religious freedom to enforce Sunday observance (the mark of the beast). his means that the Protestant Churches will control the government to accomplish their agenda. When this happens, the USA will have made an image to the Roman Catholic Church, uniting church with state. Then USA will speak “as a dragon” and exercise “all

the power of the first beast.” Rev. 13:11, 12. She will have the same spirit of intolerance and persecution that was manifested by the first beast, the papacy.

Therefore, as religious freedom is lost, persecution of the dissenting minorities will be inevitable, and there will be a repetition of the religious intolerance of the Middle Ages: “And he [USA] had power to give life unto the image of the beast [Sunday laws enacted]…and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast [by honoring Saturday, not Sunday] should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark [those who honor the true Sabbath will be forbidden to buy and sell], or the name of the beast…”

Rev. 13:15-17

For this to be true, there should be evidence that the papacy is currently pursuing

Sunday exaltation in the USA, and that the Protestants of the USA (historic enemies of Rome), have changed their attitude, and are expressing readiness to collaborate in enacting Sunday laws. Is there such evidence?

Today most Protestants are favorable towards the papacy, and this has emboldened the

papacy to seek aggressively the legislation of Sunday observance: “All Americans would do well to petition the President and the Congress to make a Federal law – an amendment to the Constitution if need be – to re-establish the [false] Sabbath as

a national Day of Rest.” CATHOLIC TWIN CIRCLE, August 25, 1985, Article

“Sacking Sunday”. “In this matter, my predecessor, Pope Leo XIII…spoke of Sunday rest as a worker’s right which the State must guarantee.” Pope John Paul II – DIES

DOMINI, May 31, 1998. “…Christians [everywhere] should seek recognition of Sundays and the Church’s holy days as legal holidays.” Catechism of the Catholic

Church, popular and definitive edition, 2000, par 2188.

Most of the Protestant leaders in the USA are ready to bury the hatchet with the

Catholics: “Heads of American Protestant and Eastern Orthodox churches who were

meeting with Pope John Paul II on Friday hailed their first broadly representative discussion as a landmark on the road to greater unity…” The Montgomery Advertiser,

Sept. 12, 1987.

Billy Graham:

“I’ve found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman Catholics.” McCall’s, January 1978.

Paul Crouch: “I’m eradicating the word Protestant even out of my vocabulary…I’m not protesting anything… “Praise the Lord” program, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Oct 17, 1989.

David Wells: “If Catholicism is to become more Catholic in the future, which is what I expect under the present pope, then theological differences will become sharper, but our alliances with Catholics against the secular culture can become deeper. I, for one, am ready for the trade-off.” Eternity Magazine, Sept. 1987.

Avoiding the Mark of the Beast

How then can we avoid receiving the mark of the beast?

This is the most important question. God, in His infinite love, has warned us not to worship the beast and thereby receive his mark. Those receiving the mark of the beast “shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture

[without mercy] into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone… who worship the beast [honor papacy through Sunday observance] and his image [USA enforcing Sunday observance], and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Rev. 14:10, 11.

These are very solemn words from God. His wrath is in proportion to the offense. By honoring Sunday, originated by Satan through the papacy, one prepares to receive the mark of the beast.

What about the billions of Christians in the past who honored Sunday instead of Saturday – did they unknowingly receive the mark of the beast? And what about the Christians today who sincerely think Sunday is the Bible Sabbath?

None are accountable for their errors since the light has not been brought to them; for the Lord “winks” at our times of ignorance. See Acts 17:30. We are only judged by the

light we had the opportunity to receive. But, when the universal Sunday law is enforced, the issue will be clear before all, and then whoever shall transgress the command of God to obey a precept which has no higher authority than that of Rome, will receive the mark of the beast. Soon each person will face this test with eternal stakes, to keep the mmandments of God or of the papacy. Where will you be found standing?

No Room for Neutrality

Why care?

God’s solemn warning in Revelation 14 leaves no room for indifference. Jesus said, “He that is not with me is against me.” Luke 11:23. God counts all men as decidedly for the truth or against it. This warning is no respecter of person, class, condition, or religion. It is addressed to all humanity. It is not necessary for us deliberately to choose the kingdom

of darkness in order to come under its dominion. We have only to neglect to ally urselves

with the kingdom of light.

What must we do?


God is most eager to enter into a serious relationship with you individually. In fact, He wants you to be His son/daughter. Just think what a privilege it would be to be a child

of the King of the universe. This genuine opportunity is granted to you. He is eagerly waiting to bestow this highest of honors upon you. Yet, His word to you is: “Be ye

not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what communion hath light with darkness? … for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in

them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore

come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and I will receive you,

and will be a Father unto you,

and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. 2Corinthians 6:14- 18. This important Bible passage contains the following principles:

1. God does not permit any mixture of truth with error (even if it’s 99% truth). For “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5. Only Satan mixes truth with error to maximize his deception.

2. The duty of a person aspiring to be in harmony with God is to not be a member of any church or religious system that is built on Satan’s foundation: the mixture of truth with error.

3. Knowing that when you leave Satan’s systems of religion, you will lose friends, family, influence, work, etc…God assures you: “I AM the Almighty.” It means that He will more than compensate you for all that you have lost. Believe Jesus’ precious promise in Mark 10:29, 30.

For more detailed exposition and suggestions,

please consult