Christian Weight Loss — 5 Keys to Stop Temptation From Ruining Your Diet

Posted: Sep 29, 2008 |Comments: 0| Views: 591 |

Christian Weight Loss — 5 Keys to Stop Temptation From Ruining Your Diet

By: Daniel Wychor

Good vs. Evil. We see it everyday in the world around us, yet we don’t think of weight loss in those terms.

What did the devil use in his first temptation — food! Since it worked so well the first time, don’t you think he’d continue to use food as a temptation?

There are many good diet programs out there that will help you lose weight. Where they fall short is they talk about temptation as if it is something that just happens to you. They don’t address who is tempting you (the devil) and how to combat the devil’s temptations to continue to lose weight and keep it off.

From my experience, weight loss is a game. You think of food and the game begins. The devil tempts, and you react. If you give in the devil laughs and you gain weight.

I believe the devil wants you to lose weight. He knows that if you lose some weight and gain it back, you’ll be more depressed than if you had not lost any weight at all.

So, how do you fight the devil? The following five keys are critical to your success.

1) Present moment awareness
Many studies have shown that successful people spend most of their time focused on the present, not daydreaming about the past or future. It is when you are daydreaming about the past or future that you often reach for “comfort foods” which is a nice way of saying the devil is tempting you. Being aware of what is happening is critical to weight loss success.

2) Visual (Awareness) cues
In the Bible God instructed the people of Israel to use awareness cues to remember to keep his commandments. God had them add tassels to their garments so when they looked at them they’d remember his commandments and observe them. I figure they must be a pretty good idea if God came up with them. Use anything that will help you stay focused ( pictures, crosses, figurines, music, etc.) around the house, at work, in your car etc. to keep you on track. 

3) You have a voice, use it for good!
The Bible talks of the power of the word. You must be careful and watch what you say when trying to lose weight. What you say can affect you in a positive or negative way. Positive affirmations and prayers have been proven work, use them throughout the day.

4) Visualization
You already do it all the time without even realizing it. Your mind thinks in pictures, not words. If I say “red barn”, what comes to mind? A picture of a red barn, not the words red barn. Super successful people in all walks of life understand the importance of visualization and make sure it is only used in ways that will benefit them. What a wonderful gift from God but few realize how important it is.

5) Read your Bible with anticipation
Read the Bible as if it were your favorite mystery novel, a book that you can’t put down. Before you start, ask God for guidance, telling him you can’t wait to see what he is going to reveal to you as you read. You’ll be amazed at the insights he gives you.

While our discussion here is weight loss, these same keys can be used to deal with temptation in other areas of your life as well.

If you put these keys to work, you’ll find that winning the game of weight loss is an opportunity given by God to grow and mature in your faith. God bless.

© Copyright 2008 Daniel Wychor  All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Daniel Wychor is author of the book, “Stop the Devil from Laughing When You Diet.” He has developed a 40 day program that incorporates the 5 keys discussed in the article. The program can be used alone or with any diet to help lose weight and keep it off. More information about the book and program can be found at

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Daniel Wychor

Daniel Wychor is author of the book, “Stop the Devil from Laughing When You Diet.” He has developed a 40 day program based on the book that is helping people of all ages achieve weight loss success. The program can be used alone or with any diet to help lose weight and keep it off. More information about the book and program can be found at

Christian Weight Loss – Serenity Now!

Staying calm is key to success in anything you do.  Just look at interviews of successful people in any walk of life and you’ll find they keep their cool under fire.


I like to watch interviews of top athletes after big games.  While it’s easy to tell by watching the fans’ reaction who won, you often times can’t tell by looking at the athletes.  Fans often criticize the players, saying they need to show more emotion; not realizing just the opposite is true. The athletes know they need to stay calm and on an even keel if they are to be successful in the long run.  Those that let their emotions get the best of them most often do not achieve the top level of success long term.


Staying calm allows you to stay focused on the task at hand and gives you a much better chance at success.  You’ll often hear people refer to being in “a zone” when they accomplish something great.  When you ask them about details you’ll find they were in a calm relaxed state while they did the task.


Let’s do a quick exercise.  Think back in your past to accomplishments you are proud of.  Now think about the emotional state you were in while you were accomplishing the task. Were your emotions under control?  Was all of your energy focused on the task at hand or were you distracted by other things? 


When I think back on my life those moments always involved me being in a calm focused state.  I need to state that it is possible to be in an intense state of mind and calm at the same time.  Intensity and calmness are not mutually exclusive; in fact it is the combination of the two that causes people to do great things.


So how does this apply to weight loss?  To succeed long term at weight loss you must stay in a calm, focused state.  How many people do you know that every January make a resolution to lose weight.  They are all excited, they start out with great intensity but they are not in a calm state. They may last anywhere from a few days to a month or two on whatever they are doing. As soon as their weight loss slows or they get distracted by something, they get depressed and give up. They then fall back into their old destructive eating habits.  Do you know anyone like this, maybe someone you see in the mirror each day?


So how can you get into a calm state and stay there?  First you have to realize you are not living a fairy tale, life happens.  Like a sailboat going across a lake that has to adjust the rudder and sails due to currents and wind, to get where they want to go, you have to do the same in life.  Keep the goal in mind, realizing that there will be obstacles along the way.  Second, when those obstacles appear do not let them get you out of your calm, focused state.  Call in for reinforcements and I don’t mean comfort foods that ruin your diet (I can’t stand that term, more on that in another article). 


Call on God.  How many times have you heard in church or read in your Bible to cast the burden?  How many times have you heard to let go and let God?  When other things in life happen, don’t let them be an excuse to ruin your weight loss plans.  Get in the habit of when stuff happens calling on God and asking him to take the burden.  You may still have to deal with the problem but with God in your corner you are more likely to retain your calm state.  You can add strength to your prayer by actually visualizing handing the problem off to God and letting him carry it for you. To get yourself into the habit of doing this, start with little problems so when the bigger problems pop into your life you’ll automatically do this. 


This will allow you to separate your task of losing weight from everything else going on in your life and give you a much better chance at success.


Cast the burden and give yourself a chance to stay in a calm focused state, and remember to keep smiling, because stuff happens.


God Bless.

Copyright 2009 Daniel Wychor All Worldwide Rights Reserved

Daniel Wychor is author of “Stop The Devil From Laughing When You Diet”, the book/program being used by Christians worldwide to resist temptation and achieve lasting weight loss. More information along with free articles/videos and other helpful resources can be found at