Stephen Fry’s beautiful comments on a world without God.

Stephen Fry delivers a 6 minute ‘speech’ on how a world without a belief in God should be neither mundane nor uninspiring.
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Part 10/12 of ‘Your World IS Changing’ ~ All you need to know is that the primary goal behind this New World Order is (always was) to eventually end all religions and to install a global one world religion (bahai) (maitreya) based on “scientific” unproven theories that scientists are in consensus with but disputed by many other modern & eminent scientists: * theory of evolution * theory of man-made global warming * theory of neurological chemical imbalance Prepare for major power black-outs manually generated (not from a solar flare or CME) in order to disrupt communications in strategic military objects in America. All this civil war talk.. pray it may not happen.. realize they are ideologically prepared.. but if the shit hits the fan.. America most likely will split into several regions.. if not.. the “North American Union” (SPP – Security & Prosperity Partnership of North America) the merger between Mexico, Canada & USA will be fact in and from 2010. Either way.. US national sovereignty will end.. as planned.. in order to breathe absolute power into THEIR (Political Occult Illuminati Bankers) United (NATO) Nations. Prepare.. false flag biological terror attack in Miami, Denver and/or Kansas.. Pakistan, Venezuela, Russia provoked.. in order to create more NATO missions beyond Europe’s borders (and beyond peacekeeping) “to face down the Soviet Union” (words Obama in Berlin – July 24, 2008). False flag terror attacks in Europe to be expected: Berlin, Rome and Paris. Look
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