Do christians believe any breaking news is a sign of the end of the world?

Question by THE MIGHTY RA: Do christians believe any breaking news is a sign of the end of the world?
Are they salivating at the prospect of their doom.

Best answer:

Answer by I’m Ron Burgundy?
Maybe that’s why I’m Catholic. No rapture business to worry about.

No offense Fundamentalists, just my personal taste.

Give your answer to this question below!

Christwire Wants You to Read Their Christwire Handbook Or Burn In Hell

(PRWEB) January 17, 2012

A myriad of celebrities are enthralled by too, like Karl Rove, who follows them on Twitter, John Stamos, who?s their fan on Facebook, and there are regular references to their shenanigans on Andrew Wilkow’s show on Sirius XM. ChristWire remains a mystery, but there is clearly an audience on both sides of fence who will turn to their new book, THE CHRISTWIRE HANDBOOK ( It is a comprehensive and highly amusing guide to help good Christian Americans survive the many tribulations they are bound to encounter throughout the course of their lives in a sinful world.

From YouTube to Wikipedia, the question has been hotly debated: Are these dudes for real or are we dealing with some serious, cutting-edge satirists? The time has come for YOU to decide?.

In January 2012, Citadel Press proudly published THE CHRISTWIRE HANDBOOK (, penned by best-selling author, motivational speaker, and youth pastor extraordinaire Jack Gould, along with youth leader and abstinence practitioner Tyson Bowers III.

With a mission to ?combat the evil liberals of this world and once again ensure that a bit of freedom and righteousness once again permeates every country?? THE CHRISTWIRE HANDBOOK offers sagacious advice on an array of immoral subjects, including (but not limited) to:

?????????The Homogay Agenda

?????????Glistening Red Sun of Technological Damnation

?????????Foreign Dangers

?????????The American Liberal Elite

A national media sensation,ChristWire takes righteousness beyond the bounds of reason. You can?t argue the truth. If God didn?t send tornadoes to warn blacks about rap music, who did? If your husband isn?t a closet gay, he must secretly be Chinese. Don?t send your son to college unless you want to expose him to the dangers of vajazzling. This is no joke, folks. ChristWire is here to save the world from falling into the hands of sanity.

?ChristWire is extremely excellent and brilliant.?

-Rachel Maddow

?I?m the anti-ChristWire.?

-Howard Stern

?When I need the fulfillment of spirit, I turn to the words of Christwire?

-Andrew Wilkow

“It?s so good?and people on the Internet are so insane that no one gets it.”

-Village Voice

“In the world of ChristWire?the recent increase of pet-on-pet rape is a pernicious consequence of same-sex marriage.”

-New York Magazine

“The leading Internet site for ultraconservative Christian news, commentary and weather reportage.”

-New York Times

“ChristWire?s genius (or evil) lies in its hypberbolic, worst-case scenario Christian coverage of everything.”

?Our biggest rival for making you laugh.?

?PRICELESS! Can?t tell if he?s serious or not but the sad part is MANY will take it as gospel!?

-Billy Burke from Twilight

Twitter: @christwire



Book Link:

About the authors:

Tyson Bowers III

Youth leader Tyson Bowers III proudly practices abstinence and teaches his youth groups the joys of a sexless life. Tyson travels the country giving lectures to students ranging from middle school to college about the dangers of homosexuality and liberals. Tyson is also a champion snowflake paper cutter.

Jack Gould Pastor

Jack “Jbox” Gould is a local best-selling author, motivational speaker, and youth pastor extraordinaire at Langley CC, where his stories about the laid-back California life and his relations to Jack-in-the-Box bobbleheads are all the rage. Jack is also one of the top-ten most-feared pro-lifers.

Here?s hoping you?ll help to promote ?Conservative Values for an Unsaved World? by recommending THE CHRISTWIRE HANDBOOK to your audience.

Should you wish to interview a member of the Christwire flock, please do not hesitate to contact The very freedoms of the moral majority may depend upon it.


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Why does the news media focus on alleged Tea Party racism and ignore anti-Christian Democrats?

Question by Gavin Cato: Why does the news media focus on alleged Tea Party racism and ignore anti-Christian Democrats?
I understand that for leftist types, what they call racism is the greatest evil in the world and so they can’t get over this. Anyhow, go to any Democratic event and you can find Christ haters with insulting bumber stickers on their hybrids and Volvos. Why is this ignored while so much focus is put on a few alleged racists at Tea Parties?
Noah, I have known and worked with many hardcore activist Democrats. Many of them openly express their hatred for traditional Christianity.

Best answer:

Answer by Hale
Because the “news media” is mostly Democrats…..

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Mind Reality – Secrets Of The Universe

Check out these christian world news products:

Mind Reality – Secrets Of The Universe
The Single Best Product In The World Of Mind Power, Law Of Attraction And Manifestation! Learn How To Create A Life Of Extreme Abundance And Fulfillment Now! It Is The #1 Place That Integrates All Secrets Of Life. Mind Reality Is The Best Selling Product!
Mind Reality – Secrets Of The Universe

Anyone know of a website That follows world news on the daily looking for signs of the 2nd coming?

Question by static x: Anyone know of a website That follows world news on the daily looking for signs of the 2nd coming?
I was just wondering, I like to keep up with world news especially all the unique and spectacular current events that point to the 2nd coming.
example of current events:
Food cost crisis (33 countries)
War and rumers of wars
Especially the signs in space

Is there a site that watches these things from a Christian view point?

……….And for those of you that don’t care or believe in any of this stuff……………….I’m not asking you, so please keep your bias comments to yourself.

For those of you that care to help but don’t know of a site………………… if you are one that does your own independant “Christ Watch” I would love to hear any new input.

If you are interested in learning more or like to team up on the research email me I’d love to work others on this.

Ok Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May God’s Will be done in your life and your cup overflow!
Thinking cap never said it would events will take place over time yes but it does say He comes like a theif in the night.
Thinking cap….You see I believe that the whole 2/3 die n and the antichrist ect.. to occur during a 7 year peried in which hasn’t happened and I believe events are leading toward it and Jesus talked about signs coming from the ends of heaven. Today with events and theories of 12,2012 just upon usone can only anticipate and wonder. Example. For the first time in all of history we will be visiting the milky way from upside down which is also the end of the long count calander the mayans made up 1000’s of years ago. Calandor is more accurate then the one we use today.
With Israel in war and even being a state for 60 years seeing no peace and US calling for “two state peace agreement by the end of his term. An agreement that gives the Arabs part of the promise land away from Israel. The Nuclear threat against Israil and Iran are extremely high.What I’m looking for is current events that I believe are leading to a 7 year tribulation period that is about to be upon us.
Note *
I mention A date of great events but I also mention a 7 year tribulation so by no means do I think we can guess the day and hour for no man will know these things. However I believe blessed are the watchers.

Best answer:

Answer by Thinkin’ Cap
Why do people look at the second coming of Christ as something that is going to happen at the snap of a finger?
There is already so much prophecy that has been fulfilled that leads up to the second coming and it has happened throughout centuries, not overnight. The Lord will come like a thief in the night. The Jews returned to Jerusalem in 1948, Caesar Nero is said to have been the Anti-Christ, The Black Death killed 2/3 of the worlds population. The best thing you can do to be prepared is to live as close to Christ as possible.
Peace be with you!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Question by : What are we going to do about all the Christian terrorists that are scattered about the world, and in the U.S?
Anders Behring Brevik of Norway, is being called a “Christian extremist” or “Christian terrorist.”

As westerners wrestle with such characterizations of the Oslo mass murder suspect, the question arises: Nearly a decade after 9/11 created a widespread suspicion of Muslims based on the actions of a fanatical few, is this what it’s like to walk a mile in the shoes of stereotype?
Saturday News –

Best answer:

Answer by Buddhist Prime
Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene

Add your own answer in the comments!

Is the Israeli ambassador to the U.S. wrong? Did you see him on ABC World News Tonight last night?

Question by mouthbreather77: Is the Israeli ambassador to the U.S. wrong? Did you see him on ABC World News Tonight last night?
The story was about the alliance between Israelis and the evangelical Christians because they believe the end of the world has begun. The Israeli ambassador said that Jews don’t have to believe in Jesus until the Messianic age. He said Jews will ask the Messiah “are you coming or returning?” and that “until then we don’t know whether the world will be Christian or Jewish”.

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel ben Yeshia
Both believe in a Messiah.

I even had a friend who recently returned from Jerusalem and was praying at the Kotel (Wailing Wall) who said he overheard another man pray “O L-rd, send Messiah now! O Messiah come quickly, even if you are Jesus”. Obviously, he doesn’t speak for the majority of Judaism, nevertheless the feeling is there.

Judaism believes in 2 Messiahs. The first is Messiah ben Joseph (Messiah the son of Joseph) who would be like Joseph in Egypt, but would be killed. Joseph, if you recall was hidden from his brothers, they thought he was Tzafnaspenach, an Egyptian. And yet, even when his identity was hidden from them, he still saved them from the 7 years of famine. (Compare to the Christians 7 years of Tribulation.) The revelation that this pagan was not a pagan and was actually their brother didn’t come until the 2nd year of that time of tribulation and famine.

The other Messiah is Messiah ben David who reigns over all the earth in the time of Geulah (Redemption). Judaism teaches that Messiah ben David comes just after the battle in which Messiah ben Joseph is killed.

So the main difference is that 2000 years ago there were some Jews who believed that Yeshua (Iesus in Greek) was Messiah ben Joseph and that he would return one day as Messiah ben David – 2 Messiahs in 1 person. The rest of Judaism believes in 2 different Messiahs that are 2 different persons. The exception to this being a small subset of the Chabad Lubavitch movement who believes that their last Rebbe died as Messiah ben Joseph and will one day return as Messiah ben David. Some of them even claim that the Rebbe was “the L-rd incarnate”! That becomes scary similar to Christian belief.

The nature of Messiah is revealed in Torah and the Prophets. Both Christians and Jews are waiting for Messiah to come and reign. The main difference that I see is that the Jesus of Christianity they say came to do away with the law (the Torah), while the Messiah of Judaism will be one who upholds the Torah and establishes it. So Christians are expecting to follow after a ruler that is a man of lawlessness. (Which, oddly enough, is a description their Bible uses for the “Anti-Christ”.) So Christians are likely to be decieved in the time of trouble that preceeds the arrival of Messiah and will follow after a false leader.

Add your own answer in the comments!